Program Details | Secondary Dual Educator Program

Total creditsEstimated resident costEstimated Washington border costEstimated non-resident cost

Program cost estimates are based on 2024/25 PSU tuition and fees only. This chart is provided to help you estimate the minimum tuition and fees for program completion. Additional fees may apply depending on the course of study that you choose to pursue and the specific courses for which you enroll, so you may also find it useful to review detailed tuition and fee information and the full cost of attendance for PSU programs.

Financial aid and scholarship options may be available to offset program costs. Visit COE Scholarships for specific details on how to qualify and apply.

The program begins in the fall term of each odd numbered year. This graduate-level program is designed to offer a full load of coursework and field-based experiences within each term. Classes will be scheduled during the day with some early evening offerings. There will be a substantial amount of time needed to complete required course assignments and work samples. School-based teaching experiences will be scheduled during every term. It will be difficult to balance work with school responsibilities. Students are discouraged from working while completing the program, as it cannot be completed on a part-time basis. However, if students choose to work, they must have a very flexible schedule with limited hours. There will be a two month break between year one and year two of the program in which one could potentially work.

Program of study

Course descriptions

For course descriptions, please consult the Bulletin or Class Schedule.

Field experience

Every term includes field experiences in middle/high school settings. Placements in special education and general education as well as collaborative teaching experiences prepare teachers to bring together content knowledge and specialized supports to make content accessible to all students within inclusive classrooms.

  • Year 1:
    First term – observing in both general education and special education settings (10 hours/week)
    Second term – applying new knowledge and skills directly with student with an individual education plan (IEP) (10 hours/week)
    Third term – half-time student teaching in special education (20 hours/week)
  • Year 2:
    First term – working with students with more significant disabilities and co-teaching in an inclusive-content classroom (10-hour practicum/wk)
    Second term – half-time student teaching in general education (20 hours/week)
    Third term – full-time student teaching in general education (40 hours/week)


Completion of this program will culminate in a Preliminary Teacher License with dual endorsements in a content area and special education. Program completers will follow specified licensure instructions to become eligible for an Oregon Preliminary Teaching License.

Some program completers may be interested in teaching outside of Oregon. Licensure requirements may differ from state to state. For more information about U.S. State Teacher Certification, contact the state offices directly.

For general licensure information, contact licensure directly.