Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for February 7, 2022

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  1. Talya Bauer, business faculty, published, “The Employee Onboarding Playbook: How Innovative Companies Use Onboarding to Attract, Retain, and Engage Top Talent.”
  2. Heather Burns, educational leadership and policy faculty, Nora Stoelting, Julie Wilcox, and Chantal Krystiniak, graduate students, authored “One of the doors: Exploring Contemplative Practices for Transformative Sustainability Education” in The Palgrave Handbook on Learning for Transformation. 
  3. Michele Gamburd, anthropology faculty, has published a book titled, “Sabanduna Jeevitha” with Sarasavi Press in Sri Lanka.
  4. Cynthia Carmina Gomez, Community and Civic Impact director, served as an editor for the literary journal “Kithe Volume 2.” Fellow editorial board members included editor-in-chief Lauran Hobson MFA ’19, Katie Borak MFA ’19, Karleigh Frisbie Brogan ’14 MFA ’19; Joshua James Amberson MFA ’18 and Mike Schepps MFA ’19. The volume features portions of the Dao Strom poem that is part of the permanent art installation in PSU’s Vanport Building. 
  5. Carlos Mena, business faculty, published “International Trade Resilience and the COVID-19 Pandemic” in Journal of Business Research.
  6. Carmen Ripollés, art history faculty, has published “Introduction to the Global Baroque: The tremendous diversity of Baroque art” in Smarthistory.
  7. Katie Sinback, School of Film office coordinator, published “My Murder Suicide” in the Cumberland River Review.