Admissions | Educational Leadership

The Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership seeks candidates who are committed to:

  • Actively participating in discussions, presentations, seminars, and research
  • Addressing social justice issues in their communities
  • Analyzing issues from multiple perspectives
  • Engaging in rigorous coursework
  • Demonstrating professional and ethical behavior

Admission criteria

The following set of criteria will be used to evaluate an application to the PSU College of Education EdD program.

  1. Academic ability
    For example, GPA, types of courses successfully completed
    Sources: transcripts, letters of recommendation
  2. Academic experiences appropriate to the selected specialization
    For example, coursework, educational background
    Sources: personal statement, resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation
  3. Professional experiences appropriate to the doctoral program and selected specialization
    For example, work (including volunteer work) in schools, agencies, organizations, or community; leadership experience
    Sources: resume, personal statement, letters of recommendation
  4. Purposes and goals appropriate to the doctoral program and the selected specialization
    For example, describes and explains reasons for selection of this doctoral program and the specialization in light of future goals
    Source: personal statement
  5. Writing skills
    For example, clearly communicates ideas through written language; articulates a coherent, persuasive and organized argument; follows writing conventions.
    Sources: writing samples, personal statement
  6. Experience working with diverse individuals, groups, communities
    For example, demonstrates cultural responsiveness, interpersonal communication skills, and/or advocacy for diverse individuals or groups; promotes collaboration with group or community
    Sources: writing samples, personal statement, letters of recommendation
  7. Leadership potential
    For example, shows interest and motivation toward future leadership contributions to specific field; describes desire, ability, and skills related to specific future contributions to community.
    Sources: personal statement, resume, letters of recommendation

Application availability and deadline

Specialization admission details are:

Curriculum & Instruction (preK-12)The Educational Leadership doctoral program is currently undergoing revision. It is not likely we will accept any new cohorts prior to Fall 2026. Please check back or send a message to to be notified when changes/dates have been determined. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Special Education
Administration (K-12)
Postsecondary Education (Higher Education Administration)

Any changes will be posted on this page as soon as they become available. For more information, contact

Information sessions

Information sessions are generally offered twice prior to the application deadline. Once sessions have been scheduled, you can register on the Information Sessions page.

If you would like to be notified via e-mail when information session dates have been selected for other specializations, please send a request to

Admissions instructions

Before applying to our program you must possess a master’s degree from an accredited institution with a minimum 3.4 GPA (on a 4.0 point scale) or expect to receive one prior to the start of the term of admission, and meet the University English language proficiency requirement if your first language is not English. Please note that this requirement applies to all students, including resident aliens and citizens.

  1. Check the application deadline for your program specialization in the table above.
  2. Make sure you have everything ready from the Application Checklist.
  3. Create an account or sign into the Portland State University Admissions Application system.
  4. Select "Start New Application" and then "Graduate Application." Do not select "Non-degree". You will not be able to upload the necessary documents with the non-degree application, and your application will not be considered.
  5. For the college, select "College of Education"
  6. For the program of study, select from:
    "Educational Leadership: Doctorate: Administration, EdD"
    "Educational Leadership: Doctorate: Curriculum & Instruction, EdD"
    "Educational Leadership: Doctorate: Postsecondary Education, EdD"
    "Educational Leadership: Doctorate: Special Education, EdD"

To validate your admission you must take a course during the term in which you have requested to be admitted. Should you not take a course in that term, your application will be cancelled and you will need to reapply to the next cohort.

Questions about the application process?

If you have questions about the application process, contact
Learn about available scholarships and financial aid.

Application checklist

  • Program-specific application
  • Unofficial transcripts are accepted by the College of Education for the program application. You only need to submit transcripts from institutions that you earned a degree from and where any graduate coursework was taken. Additional unofficial transcripts may be sent in if it significantly improves your application GPA. If admitted, you must send in official transcripts from each degree-granting school and any graduate school. More information on submitting official transcripts can be found on the Graduate Admissions page.
    • Acceptable unofficial transcripts are:
      • Web-based transcripts downloaded from an institution: institution and student name must be visible on transcripts
      • Photocopies of official transcripts: these must include the front and back of all pages, including transcript key
    • Previous applicants:
      • If you’ve previously submitted official transcripts to PSU, you are still required to upload unofficial transcripts to complete your application.
  • After you are admitted, you must submit official transcripts to:
    • The Graduate School
      Portland State University
      PO Box 751
      Portland, OR 97207 - 0751
      Electronic official transcripts should be sent to
  • A written statement (approximately 4-5 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1" margins) articulating how your background and experience have prepared you for the doctoral program in Educational Leadership. Address your educational philosophy and the relationship you see with the College of Education Conceptual Framework. Briefly discuss your research interests.
  • At least two samples of scholarly writing such as published articles, monographs, or unpublished papers (e.g., essays, term papers, or one section of your thesis).
  • Current résumé (reflect your volunteer or work experience within the related field)
  • Name and e-mail address of at least three people who can provide positive letters of recommendation for you.  (Official instructions about the letter of recommendation will be provided within the application process).
  • Application Fee Waiver Information
  • Explore our scholarships
  • Apply for Financial Aid via the FAFSA

Retention of Student Documents

All application documents submitted to PSU become the property of the University and may not be copied or returned to a student. Transcripts from other institutions cannot be copied. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email

It is a University requirement that students register and pay for at least one credit in the term they are admitted. Failure to do so will result in automatic cancellation of your admission. If you need to change the term for which you intend to begin classes after you have submitted your application, please contact the CI Department at to discuss your options.