Program Details | Added Secondary

Total creditsEstimated resident costEstimated Washington border costEstimated non-resident cost
Program cost estimates are based on 2024/25 PSU tuition and fees only. This chart is provided to help you estimate the minimum tuition and fees for program completion. Additional fees may apply depending on the course of study that you choose to pursue and the specific courses for which you enroll, so you may also find it useful to review detailed tuition and fee information and the full cost of attendance for PSU programs.

To complete the program and earn the endorsement, individuals must complete the following process:

  1. Check previous subject area coursework: For most content areas, a passing score on the NES test is sufficient evidence of content knowledge. However, for K-12 art, music, and physical education, the applicant should contact the pre admissions advisor (Tatiana Nochevnaya) for support on departmental information and recommendations.
  2. Pass NES Subject Area exam. A passing score for NES in desired subject area is required to be admitted to the program.
  3. Apply for the Added Endorsement program no later than September 1- Candidates who do not submit for application by Sept 1 will have to wait until the following year.
  4. Once accepted, candidates will register and take a 3 credit Methods course in Fall term in the desired subject endorsement. * Candidates in the MIL program take CI 518 or CI 521.
  5. Applications for Field Placement are due no later than Oct 15. If applications are not submitted by Oct 15, then PSU is not required to find a placement or assign supervision for the candidate. For individuals who are currently teaching, they may request a placement in their current school or in their own classrooms- if the subject area is aligned.
  6. Once field placement is finalized, the candidate will complete a 90 hour teaching practicum combined with PSU observations and evaluations required by TSPC.
  7. If candidates have passed the NES exam, passed the appropriate methods coursework, passed all field placement evaluations as directed by PSU supervisors, and completed 90 hours of teaching in the subject area endorsement, they can be recommended for added endorsement licensure through PSU to TSPC.


  • Offered in fall term only


  • Students must do their practicum in the winter
  • Prerequisites:
    • Documentation showing passing of NES content area test
    • Formal admission to the program
    • Valid Oregon teaching license
    • Submitted field placement request by October 15

Program Completion

Once you have finished all of the added endorsement program's requirements (coursework, test, practicum), follow all steps of the instructions for adding an endorsement.

You must complete all program requirements before beginning the instructions for adding an endorsement.

General licensure questions? Contact Licensure directly.