Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for June 6, 2022

Spring published


  1. Craig Epplin, world languages and literatures faculty, published “Pedagogías de la Escritura: Dos Modelos de Literatura Latinoamericana Mundial" in Revista Chilena de Literatura.
  2. Max Nielsen-Pincus, Chair of Department Environmental Sciences and Management, and Andres Holz, geography faculty, advised an article written by Rose A. Graves, postdoctoral fellow, titled, “Forest Carbon Incentive Programs For Non-Industrial Private Forests in Oregon (USA): Impacts of Program Design on Willingness to Enroll and Landscape-Scale Program Outcomes in Forest Policy and Economics
  3. Joel Owens, business faculty, published “Recruiting Dark Personalities for Earnings Management” in Journal of Business Ethics. 
  4. L. David Ritchie, communication faculty, wrote “Decoding Information: The Abuse of Personification and Machine Metaphor” in Words and Worlds.
  5. Gayle Thieman, Benjamin Bruhn, education faculty, and Theresa Nguyen, M.Ed. ‘18, wrote a chapter titled “Bringing Civic Engagement and Social Justice Curriculum Alive: Preparing Social Studies Teacher Candidates to Develop Race and Social Justice Curriculum Through Civic Engagement in Response to Student, School, and Community Needs” in the book, “School-University-Community Collaboration for Civic Education and Engagement in the Democratic Project.”
  6. Brian Turner, history faculty co-authored a translation,Pliny the Elder's WorldNatural History, Books 2-6,” which was published by Cambridge University Press.
  7. Marvin Washington, business faculty, wrote a paper titled, “Getting an Internship in the Sport Industry: The Institutionalization of Privilege” that received the 2021 Sport Management Education Journal Best Paper Award.
  8. Maika Yeigh, education faculty, wrote, “White Language Supremacy: Clarifying the CCCC Position Statement,” which appeared in The Oregon English Journal.