Currently Accolades: Presented for March 28, 2022



  1. Maurice Hamington, philosophy and women, gender and sexuality studies faculty, presented “Labor Unions as a Factor in a Caring Democracy” on March 10 at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy.
  2. Maurice Hamington, philosophy and women, gender and sexuality studies faculty, delivered the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Ethics Lecture at the University of Houston, titled “Care Theory: Applications for Healthcare Professionals,” on Feb. 24. 
  3. Maurice Hamington, philosophy and women, gender and sexuality studies faculty, delivered the visiting ethicist lecture for The Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values at Coastal Carolina University, titled “Radical Care: Ethos and Commitment,” on March 15. 
  4. Chia Yin Hsu, history faculty, gave a lecture titled “Russia, Ukraine and Crimea in the Soviet Era and After, 1900s-2000s” on March 17 at the Terwilliger Plaza Self-Governing Continuing Care Retirement Community. 
  5. Natsuko Llewellyn and Suwako Watanabe, world languages and literatures, presented a paper titled “Invitation in Japanese: A Comparison Between JFL learners and Japanese Native Speakers” on March 18 at the American Association of Teachers of Japanese 2022 Spring Conference.  
  6. Jeremy Spoon, anthropology faculty, co-presented a paper titled “Tribal Revegetation of a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site” on March 9 at the International Waste Management Symposium in Phoenix.
  7. Dilafruz Williams, education faculty, presented an invited address titled “Living Soil as Poetic and Critical Text: Pedagogy Underground for Regenerative Hope” at the Soil Regen Summit 2022, and was a panelist for a live discussion with attendees, March 16.