Admissions | Early Childhood Education

Admission Requirements
  • Hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with:
    • A cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0, OR
    • A cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 (a minimum of 9 credits)
  • Hold a current teaching license
  • Meet Portland State University's graduate level English language proficiency requirements.
Admissions Timeline
Program StartFallWinterSpringSummer
Final Application DeadlineAugust 15November 15February 15May 15

Experience working with young children and/or families is highly valued. We look for:

  • One or more years of work or volunteer experience in early childhood or related programs OR
  • Related fieldwork/practicum experience through a college program OR
  • The ability to organize and complete volunteer and/or work experience during your time in the ECE degree program

Admittance into the MA*/MS** in Early Childhood: Inclusive Education (online) is dependent upon completion of the application materials and admittance processes as follows.

*MS (Master of Science) does not require a world language competency.
**MA (Master of Arts) indicates competency in a world language. The Department of World Languages and Literature administers the required world language verification or examination.

Required Application Materials

Below is the list of the materials and information you will need to provide as part of your online application. We recommend preparing these materials in advance of submitting your application.

  • Unofficial Transcripts: from your bachelor’s degree-granting institution and from any institution at which you have earned graduate-level credit
  • English Language Proficiency: Automatically assessed in your application materials. Learn more about your options for proving proficiency.
  • Content area requirement form: Complete the content area requirement form and upload it in the "program-specific questions" section of your GTEP application.
  • Résumé including all experience working with children
  • Statement of Purpose
  • References: Submit contact information for at least two references via the application. Portland State University will contact your references and provide them with instructions for submitting recommendation forms.

Admissions instructions

  1. Create an account or sign into the Portland State University Admissions Application system.
  2. Select "Start New Application"
  3. Then select "Graduate Application"
  4. For the college, select "College of Education"
  5. For the program of study, select "Early Childhood: Inclusive Ed and C&I, Masters <track name>" as your program of study; e.g., Early Childhood: Inclusive Ed and C&I, Masters, ITMH Track.
  6. Select the term you plan to start the program

To validate your admission you must take a course during the term in which you have requested to be admitted. Should you not take a course in that term, your application will be cancelled and you will need to reapply to the next cohort.

Questions about the application process?

If you have questions about the application process, contact
Learn about available scholarships and financial aid.