Laptop Policy

Beginning in Fall 2021, students registering for upper division (300-level or above) Computer Science courses are expected to have access to a laptop (either PC or Mac) with wireless Internet access meeting a set of minimum requirements, as specified in the sections below.  Note that Chromebooks, iPads, and similar devices to not meet the requirements to run many applications that may be used in various CS courses.

    Minimum laptop requirements (for all types)

    CPU Modern CPU (Intel Core i5 or i7 or equivalent; Apple M1; etc.)
    RAM 8GB minimum, 16GB preferred.
    Disk 250GB minimum, 500GB preferred.
    External Port USB 3.0 or USB C or adaptor.
    Networking Wireless network adaptor.
    Multimedia Camera, microphone, HDMI port or adaptor.
    Software Word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software that can read and create .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx files; Anti-virus software; Chrome Web Client; other software as required for specific classes.
    Battery Battery capacity to allow 4 hours of use without recharging.
    Warranty 2+ year warranty or protection plan recommended.

    Additional requirements for PC laptops

    Operating System Windows 10, 64 bit, or Ubuntu Linux.
    Multi-OS Capabilities Dual Boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu Linux (preferred)
    or VirtualBox w/ Ubuntu Linux (for Windows PCs)
    or VirtualBox w/ Windows 10 (for Linux PCs).
    Additional Software A secure SSH terminal program such as Putty.
    (Putty is open source software that is available from

    Additional requirements for Mac laptops

    Operating System macOS version no older than one release earlier than the current release.
    Multi-OS Capabilities Boot Camp w/ Windows 10 (preferred)
    or VirtualBox w/ Windows 10 and VirtualBox w/Ubuntu Linux.

    Notes on Hardware and Software Availability

    • PSU Computer Science Students may obtain a free copy of Windows 10 through the Microsoft Azure Education Hub.
    • The requirements for word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software specified below can be met using the Google Docs applications that are available to all PSU students with an Odin account.
    • VirtualBox is freely available as open source software from
    • [insert pointers to suggested resources for loaning, renting, or purchasing a suitable laptop, or for applying for a grant to support purchasing a laptop (Pell-eligible students).]