Field Placement

The Office of Field Placement, in the College of Education (COE), is responsible for making and confirming teacher candidate assignments for Curriculum & Instruction (CI) programs (including GTEP, ITEP, BTP, Elementary Education/LEEP, ESOL, Reading), Special Education (including SPED, IEEP, SDEP, VIL, EI), and School Counseling programs as well as the school-based placements for the College of Arts and Sciences’ Speech and Hearing Sciences program.

Contact information

Field Placement Coordinator, Curriculum & Instruction
Penny Jasso;,
Phone: 503-725-5857

Field Placement Coordinator, Special Education and Counselor Education
Andi Pearson;,
Phone: 503-725-5434


Hiring Questions

Portland State University
PO Box 751
1810 SW 5th Avenue, Fourth Floor
Portland, OR  97207

Reduced Fee Enrollment

This form is used by cooperating professionals to request reduced tuition for PSU courses.

  1. Steps to Using Reduced Enrollment Fee Privileges for cooperating teachers
  2. Public School Personnel Reduced Enrollment Fee Privilege Form for cooperating teachers
  3. Reduced Enrollment Fee Privileges Frequently Asked Questions

Cooperating Teacher Resources for the COE Field Experience Evaluation Tool

Cooperating teachers use the Teacher Competencies Rubric to evaluate the skills and dispositions of a teacher candidate in each of five domains. The rubric is aligned with TSPC, AAQEP, and InTASC standards.

Information for university supervisors

The College of Education recruits university supervisors to observe and evaluate our teacher candidates in their student teaching placement. Whether you currently work full-time, part-time, or are retired, consider joining our team.

Current supervisors, please contact the School Partnership Director if you have any questions.

Oregon Teacher Standards links