Faculty Reviews Deadlines

On this page, you'll find the important deadlines and actions for tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty reviews. If you have any questions or concerns about the processes, please contact Kris Fedor at cfedor@pdx.edu or x5-9209.

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Tenure Track Pre-tenure Annual Reviews

Faculty on annual tenure must be reviewed after the completion of the first year of their appointment and each subsequent year. Typically, these occur in years 2, 4, and 5.

Action DeadlineAction Description
September 30, 2024Candidate submits dossier to department (dept chair or committee chair as appropriate
December 31, 2024Department chair shares the review letter with the faculty member

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Tenure Track Pre-tenure 3rd Year Review

Action DeadlineAction Description
February 3, 2025Candidate materials due to department committee
March 3, 2025Recommendation of department committee to department chair
April 1, 2025Department chair shares the review with candidate and sends all materials to Dean
May 30, 2025Dean shares review letter with candidate, department chair, and committee chair

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Tenure Track Promotion and Tenure Reviews

Action DeadlineAction Description
September 15, 2024External review letters due to departments
September 30, 2024Candidate submits dossier to department (dept chair or committee chair as appropriate)
October 15, 2024Department P&T committee chair submits recommendation and materials to department chair
October 31, 2024Department chair notifies candidate of department P&T committee and department chair recommendations
November 14, 2024Candidate dossiers with department P&T Committee and Department Chair recommendations due to CLAS; OR Candidate submits written request for reconsideration. If reconsideration is requested, follow PSU P&T Guidelines for Reconsideration.
January 20, 2025All actions take by the Dean must be reported in a timely manner to the department chair and P&T chair
January 27, 2025Department Chair or P&T Chair may request a conference with the Dean, within five days of being notified. Conference shall be held before the dean's recommendations are forwarded
February 7, 2025Candidate dossiers with Dean's recommendation due to OAA

The following are deadlines for promotion and tenure reviews in AY 2025-26:

Action DeadlineAction Description
March 14, 2025Presumed eligibility list sent by CLAS to department chairs
March 28, 2025Revised eligibility list returned by department chairs to CLAS
April 1, 2025Department Chair notifies eligible faculty of formal P&T candidacy. Send 30-day notification letter (see P&T guidelines, APPENDIX II)
May 1, 2025Candidate submits materials and lists of prospective external reviewers to department chairs
May 15, 2025Department Chairs submit lists of prospective external reviewers w/sample letters to CLAS for review/approval. Approved lists/letters returned to departments PRIOR to departments’ mailing external reviewer letters
May 30, 2025Approved lists/letters returned to department chairs from CLAS
June 6, 2025Departments mail materials to external reviewers with expected return of September 15

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Post Tenure Review (PTR)

Tenured faculty members shall undergo post-tenure review every five years after the award of tenure. 

Action DeadlineAction Description
October 4, 2024Faculty materials due to PTR committee
October 25, 2024PTR committee completes review and submits report to department chair
November 8, 2024Department chair sends candidate the department PTR committee report and department chair letter
November 18, 2024Faculty member reviews materials and either 1) signs/submits PTR Appraisal Signature Sheet, or 2) requests reconsideration
December 19, 2024(Reconsideration only) Faculty member submits supporting materials to committee and/or department chair
January 10, 2025Committee and/or department chair responds to reconsideration request (if applicable). All materials are submitted to the Dean.
January 27, 2025Dean completes review of materials and submits their letter to candidate, department chair, and PTR chair
February 3, 2025Department chair, PTR chair, or faculty member requests reconsideration conference, if applicable
February 17, 2025(Reconsideration only) Faculty member submits supporting materials pertinent to reconsideration of Dean's Letter.
March 7, 2025Dean completes review, issues report to department chair and faculty member, and submits Assurance of Review to Provost

The following are deadlines for PTR reviews in AY 2025-26:

Action DeadlineAction Description
May 1, 2025OAA creates list of eligible faculty and provides to Dean for verification
May 15, 2025OAA sends PTR survey to eligible faculty to respond: Participate/Defer/Opt-out
June 1, 2025Faculty responds to OAA PTR survey. All faculty requesting to defer or opt-out have notified the Dean in writing
June 15, 2025Dean responds to PTR deferral/opt-out requests with Approval or Denial

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Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Annual Reviews

Non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) fixed term appointments and continuous appointment probation must receive annual reviews. For NTTFs on continuous appointment probation, the annual reviews start in the first year. For NTTF fixed term (instructional and research), the annual reviews start in the second year (after completion of the first year).

NTTF Continuous Appt Probation 1st Year Review

Action DeadlineAction Description
January 2, 2025Begin department review of faculty member (continuous appointment only)
March 31, 2025Department chair shares the review with faculty member (continuous appointment only)
April 1, 2025Notify faculty in first year of probationary period of renewal or non-renewal of annual contract

NTTF Continuous Appt Probation Yr 2-5 Annual Reviews 

Action DeadlineAction Description
September 30, 2024Begin department review of faculty member
December 31, 2024Department chair shares the review with faculty member
January 1, 2025Notify faculty in years 2-5 of probationary period of renewal or non-renewal of annual contract

NTTF Fixed Term Annual Reviews

NTTF fixed term (instructional and research) must be reviewed annual after completion of the 1st year. An annual review in the 1st year is not required and is optional.

Action DeadlineAction Description
April 1, 2025Required annually after Year 1: Begin dept review of faculty member
May 30, 2025Required annually after Year 1: Department Chair shares the review with faculty member

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Non-Tenure Track Faculty Milestone and Promotion Reviews

Action DeadlineAction Description
September 30, 2024Candidate submits materials to department (dept chair or committee chair as appropriate)
October 15, 2024Department committee chair submits recommendation and materials to department chair
October 31, 2024Department chair notifies candidate of department committee and department chair recommendations
November 14, 2024Candidate dossiers with department Committee and Department Chair recommendations due to CLAS; OR Candidate submits written request for reconsideration. If reconsideration is requested, follow PSU P&T Guidelines for Reconsideration.
January 20, 2025All actions taken by the Dean must be reported in a timely manner to the department chair and committee chair
January 27, 2025Department chair or committee chair may request a conference with the Dean, within five days of being notified. Conference shall be held before the Dean's recommendations are forwarded
February 7, 2025Candidate dossiers with Dean's recommendations due to OAA

The following are deadlines for NTTF Promotion and Milestone reviews in AY 2025-26:

Action DeadlineAction Description
March 14, 2025Presumed eligibility lists sent by CLAS to Department Chairs
March 28, 2025Revised eligibility lists returned by Department Chairs to CLAS
April 1, 2025Department Chair notifies eligible faculty of upcoming Milestone review or optional promotion review

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Post Continuous Appointment Review (PCAR)

Non-tenure track faculty on continuous appointments are evaluated after every 5 years following the continuous appointment or promotion.

Action DeadlineAction Description
October 4, 2024Faculty materials due to PCAR committee
October 25, 2024PCAR committee completes review and submits report to department chair
November 8, 2024Department chair sends candidate the department PCAR committee report and department chair letter
November 18, 2024Faculty member reviews materials and either 1) signs/submits PCAR Appraisal Signature Sheet, or 2) requests reconsideration
December 19, 2024(Reconsideration only) Faculty member submits supporting materials to committee and/or department chair
January 10, 2025Committee and/or department chair responds to reconsideration request (if applicable). All materials are submitted to the Dean.
January 27, 2025Dean completes review of materials and submits their letter to candidate, department chair, and PCAR chair
February 3, 2025Department chair, PCAR chair, or faculty member requests reconsideration conference, if applicable
February 17, 2025(Reconsideration only) Faculty member submits supporting materials pertinent to reconsideration of the Dean's Letter
March 7, 2025Dean completes review, issues report to department chair and faculty member, and submits Assurance of Review to Provost

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The following are deadlines for PCAR reviews in AY 2025-26

Action DeadlineAction Description
May 1, 2025OAA creates list of eligible faculty and provides to Dean for verification
May 15, 2025OAA sends PCAR survey to eligible faculty to respond: Participate/Defer/Opt-out
June 1, 2025Faculty responds to OAA PCAR survey. All faculty requesting to defer or opt-out have notified the Dean in writing
June 15, 2025Dean responds to PCAR deferral/opt-out requests with Approval or Denial

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The Emeritus rank may be awarded upon retirement in recognition of outstanding performance. All applications for emeritus review are due to the review committee the cycle BEFORE the faculty member's retirement effective date. For anyone retiring at the end of the calendar year, they must follow the Off-Cycle deadlines prior to their retirement. For anyone retiring at the end of the academic year, they must follow the Regular Cycle deadlines prior to their retirement.

Action DeadlineAction Description
September 30, 2024Off-cycle (retiring at the end of the calendar year): Candidate submits dossier to department (dept chair or committee chair as appropriate)
October 14, 2024Off-cycle (retiring at the end of the calendar year): Department Committee Chair submits recommendations to Department Chair
October 28, 2024Off-cycle (retiring at the end of the calendar year): Candidate dossier due to CLAS
November 1, 2024Off-cycle (retiring at the end of the calendar year): Candidate dossier due to OAA
December 2, 2024Regular cycle (retiring at the end of the Academic Year): Candidate submits materials to department (dept chair or committee chair as appropriate)
January 2, 2025Regular cycle (retiring at the end of the Academic Year): Department P&T Committee submits recommendations to Department Chair
January 17, 2025Regular cycle (retiring at the end of the Academic Year): Candidate dossier due to CLAS
February 7, 2025Regular cycle (retiring at the end of the Academic Year): Candidate dossier due to OAA

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