Tools for Better Organization

Start by checking in with yourself:

  • Where do you work best - at home, on campus, somewhere else?
  • What does your current study space look like? Does it meet your comfort needs for studying?
  • Do you have a study routine that works for you? If so, what does that look like?
  • Do you have a system for keeping track of due dates and appointments?

No matter where you are in your organizational journey, an Academic Coach can provide support to help you get where you want to be. The worksheets below are a good starting point to assess and build structure for your success. If you'd like to work through your approach and receive guidance specific to your needs, meet with a Coach!

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Virtually meeting with [my coach] (due to COVID) was very helpful. It made me stay on track and on top of my work + every time we met I wanted to be ready for our meeting and actually have the work I needed to get done organized!

  • Common Coaching Concerns