Why ESM?

In the Environmental Science and Management Department, we offer real-world insights into environmental challenges and solutions, by integrating multiple perspectives in human and natural systems. 

Our faculty conduct research and collaborate across atmospheric, freshwater, marine, terrestrial, and human systems from local to global scales. Our expertise spans many critically relevant topics, including air and water quality, biological invasions, contaminants and pollution, ecosystem and community ecology, ecosystem services, environmental justice, habitat fragmentation, hydrology, global climate change, land use, natural resource and environmental policy, social science, and wildfire management.

Through this expertise and partnerships, we train students to become environmental scientists, managers, and professionals in a variety of environmental careers.

At the undergraduate level, we offer:

Our department has five main objectives

  1. Undergraduate and Graduate Education
  2. Research
  3. Partnerships
  4. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  5. Professional, General, and Secondary Education

See the ESM mission statement for more details.