Sustainability Minor

The goal of the Minor in Sustainability is to offer Portland State undergraduate students an understanding of the multidisciplinary concepts and practices integral to sustainable living.  The Minor has two primary components.   The first is to educate the students in a balanced and rigorous manner about the various concepts, theories and methods related to sustainability.  The second is to have the students work with a community partner on a project applying sustainability concepts and measures.

To obtain a minor in sustainability a student must complete at least 30 credits (at least 15 of which must be taken in residence at PSU). 

Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) will not be accepted toward fulfilling minor requirements. Courses with omnibus numbers (401, 404, 405, 406, 407) are not allowed for the minor. Additional courses may be required as prerequisites. Only grades of C- or above count toward satisfying the minor requirement. 

Note: Students earning the Minor in Sustainability may not also earn the Sustainable Urban Development Minor offered by the Nohad Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning unless the courses presented for the minors differ by at least 12 credits. 


Minor in Sustainability Info Sheet

Sustainability Minor Capstones

Course Planning Guide