Energy & Buildings

PSU's approach to building design, construction, and maintenance recognizes the interdependence of the natural and built environments. Since 2004, PSU has implemented a green building standard to minimize the use of energy, water, and other natural resources while providing a healthy, productive indoor environment. Because buildings drive energy use on campus and energy use accounts for a significant portion of PSU's greenhouse gas emissions, it is critical that we design and operate our buildings with efficiency and conservation in mind.

What we are committed to

Among sustainability guidelines integrated into PSU’s Technical Design Standards, PSU is committed to meeting LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification for all new buildings and major renovations. In addition, PSU is committed to identifying opportunities to improve the condition of existing buildings through operational and preventative maintenance process improvements and by pursuing LEED for Existing Buildings Operations + Maintenance (LEED O+M) certification, where relevant. To date, these commitments to LEED standards has led to 17 buildings being LEED certified on campus, four of which are under the LEED O+M program.

As the sustainable building field evolves, so do PSU's priorities. Accessibility, public health, and safety will continue to emerge as priorities in PSU's construction and maintenance programs. 

PSU prioritize strategies that conserve energy and promote energy efficient buildings and mechanical systems. The PSU Energy Conservation Guidelines lay out target temperature settings for heating and cooling and other strategies for conserving energy in our office buildings, use of technology, and purchasing practices. Through collaboration across departments, staff are encouraged to find innovative energy-saving solutions. This has led to changes such as consolidating the number of buildings where night courses are scheduled from 21 buildings to five; isolating spaces requiring special heating or cooling needs so that the campus energy loop can be shut down in summer months; and more.

Energy & Buildings - what we are doing

sustainability leaders claim page's green future impact in record time

Taking action on renewable energy

Once completed, a 162-megawatt solar facility in Oregon's Gilliam County will provide renewable energy to PSU and other participants in the Portland General Electric Green Future Impact program. PSU will receive almost one-quarter of campus electricity needs from this solar facility.

LEED Certified Buildings