Joy in Action! An Exhibition Presented by Friendtorship


MK Gallery Art Building, 2nd floor 2000 SW 5th Avenue Portland OR 97201

Cost / Admission



Joy in Action! is a collaborative visual art exhibition between Walt Morey Middle School students and Graphic Design majors at Portland State University. The middle school and college student teams collaborated on videos, posters, buttons, signs, and artwork while exploring joy, social justice, art, and activism themes. Guiding questions: What brings me joy? What change do I want to see in my school, community, and the world? 

On view: May 24–June 2nd

Grand Opening: Wednesday, May 24, Noon-1:30 pm

Friendtorship seeks to inspire creative expression by bringing together PSU art and design students and local middle and high school students 

Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

Joy in Action poster with dates and times.