CETI Workshop: Intro to Procreate


CETI @ PSU Fariborz Maseeh Hall, Room 218 1855 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201

Cost / Admission

Free - Register via Eventbrite



Want to create images on the go? Come learn Procreate and make images with your favorite photoshop brushes, surface paint 3D models, animate and more!

Prerequisites: Prior knowledge of image software like photoshop is helpful, but not needed. Beginner friendly.

Required Materials: iPad with Apple Pencil and Procreate installed. You may bring your own device to follow along. We have a few devices you can use /share if you let us know.

Instructor: Syd Martin

Eventbrite Registration

About CETI: A Creative and Emergent Technology Institute
Housed within PSU's School of Art + Design, CETI workshops and institutes offer opportunities for lifelong learning, professional development, skill-building, and career transformation. Our approach is participatory, experiential, critical, creative, and interdisciplinary. We enthusiastically welcome a motivated professional community across sectors and disciplines, eager for cutting-edge impactful learning experiences in data and emerging technologies.

Visitors and participants agree to abide by CETI's Code of Conduct and Terms of Engagement and be properly masked and fully vaccinated.

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