Artist Reception – Alison Lutz: Attendant Loss


AB Gallery Art Building, 1st floor 2000 SW 5th Ave Portland OR 97202

Cost / Admission



Attendant Loss is an ongoing investigation into personal experiences of loss and grief, along with our communal losses during the global COVID-19 pandemic. On daily walks during the isolation of pandemic quarantine, Lutz photographed flowers. In observing their bloom, wilt, and decay, she saw a reflection of our losses and a vision of renewal and growth in absence. Using these photographs as reference, each pair of monotype images is created in a single studio session, thereby acting as a record of that day’s strength and struggle, visible in mark and color. As time passes, Lutz's practice continues to be a visual diary of the tides of evolving grief; an archive of sorrow, catharsis, healing, and hope.

Exhibition on view January 3–26, 2023 in the Art Building's AB Gallery

Reception: Thursday, January 19, 6pm

Alison Lutz is an artist and art educator living in Portland, Oregon. Her studio practice centers on printmaking, drawing, the expressive powers of mark, texture, and color within themes of loss, grief, and mental health. She received her MFA in Drawing from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, her BA in Printmaking at Portland State University, and is a faculty member at Chemeketa Community College and Portland State University. Alison is a board member at Flight 64 Studio, a member-run, non-profit printmaking studio in Portland. In 2021, she received a Make|Learn|Build Grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council to continue work on the Attendant Loss series.

Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

Monotype of flowers. Printed in layers, pastel colors show through dark overlay in which the flowers are incised.