Explore the Law

A program for students interested in legal careers

Explore the Law (ETL) is a two-term program that pairs current PSU students with attorney mentors and presents weekly sessions on different topics to help students prepare for law school, and careers in the legal field.

Applications to this program are open to all PSU students, regardless of major. 

ETL includes weekly sessions with guest speakers and panel discussions on topics from law school admissions, careers in the Federal Court, financing law school, LSAT prep, and more. Professional networking is an emphasis in this program and there will be ample opportunities for students in the program to meet and hear from individuals in the legal field including attorneys, judges, policymakers, paralegals, law students, and other legal professionals.

The Explore the Law Program is held once per school year and runs for winter and spring terms. Students accepted into the program may be able to get college credit for participation.

ETL applications for the 2024 cohort are now closed. 
Sign up to receive an email notification for next year's program when applications go live! 

Applying to the Explore the Law program

The application for the January 2025 Cohort (January- June 2025) will become available by October 30th. 

For more information about Explore the Law, contact explorethelaw@pdx.edu

To be notified by email when the next school year's program application is live, sign up using our form linked below!

Explore The Law  FAQ

Q: How many hours a week is Explore the Law? When does it meet?

A: Sessions are held on Fridays between 9-noon in winter and spring terms. Some weeks will involve more time for off-campus field trips or additional meetings with mentor attorneys. 

Q: Is this program free? Can I receive academic credit?

A: Explore the Law is a free program for any student not applying for college credits. If you choose to pursue college credits through the Political Science Department, you will need to pay for those credits through the department. The decision to take credits or not is up to you, however, the credits are charged like any other class and will impact the cost of the program. We always suggest students talk with their academic advisors to determine if the program will have the most value for them when taken for academic credit, or taken without credit. The requirements of the program are the same whether you opt to take credits or not.

Q: During which terms is ETL offered? 

A: Explore the Law is offered over two terms every year. Currently, the program runs through Winter and Spring terms, with applications and student interviews for the program being held in the prior Fall term. The sessions provided in term one and term two of the program are each unique, and a student cannot complete the program without participating for both terms.

Q: When can I apply for next year's program?

A: Applications typically open in fall term for the following winter/spring program cycle. 

Q: What does the application process entail?

Students will fill out an application that consists of several short essay response questions, as well as providing basic information. We are only able to consider complete applications. There may also be a short interview with the program coordinators. Students will be notified of the program expectations and time commitment before being formally accepted into the program.

Q: Which students are eligible for Explore the Law? Does your major or year in school matter?

Current PSU Students of all majors are welcome to apply for Explore the Law. Undergraduate, post-doc, and graduate students are all eligible for the program. We suggest participating in Explore the Law your junior year of undergraduate if possible, but students of all class standing are welcome and eligible.

Q: I saw a course called Explore the Law (PS 320) in the course catalog- is registering for that the same as being in the Explore the Law program?

A: PS 320 Explore the Law is the class in the course catalog that those opting to take ETL for academic credit will be enrolled in. Registration for PS 320 is by arrangement only, and only students who have already been accepted into the program will be able to register for this course. Rather than attempting to register for the credits before admission, or contacting the Political Science department, please fill out our application. We will make sure that all students in the program who are interested in taking credits have the permissions needed to register before the add/drop deadline.