Dr. Dacian Daescu - Reseach

Dr. Dacian Daescu Research:
Analyzing & Predicting the State of Complex, Large-scale Dynamical Systems

Mathematics Professor Dacian Daescu leads application-oriented research in computational and data-enabled science to analyze and predict the state of complex, large-scale dynamical systems mathematically modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or partial differential equations (PDEs) systems. His research on variational and ensemble data assimilation, parameter optimization, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis combines state-of-the-art numerical optimization algorithms, high-performance computing, inverse problems theory and statistical data analysis tools to improve the models' predictive capabilities and develop new methodologies for observing system assessment, optimal experimental design, and accurate representation of the errors in models and data.

Prof. Daescu’s research at PSU has been supported by various grants from NASA, NSF, NRL, and Intel Inc. He has been awarded over $2,000,000 for research projects as Principal Investigator (PI) or CO-PI since at PSU. He has trained many undergraduate and graduate students in edge-cutting research in data assimilation, numerical optimization, inverse problems, sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification.

He has received recognition through many awards and invitations to both organize and speak at international conferences:

  • Invited Co-organizer member to 2018 SIAM Annual Meeting, invited summer scientist to European Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasts
  • Invited speaker to World Meteorological Organization Symposium on Data Assimilation
  • Intel Oregon Faculty Fellowship award
  • NASA Fellowship award, NASA Center for Climate Simulation High-End Computing Awards
  • Sigma-Xi outstanding researcher awards