Advising & Placement: French

Take Placement Test

If you have previously taken French and have questions about which course is appropriate for you, we recommend you take a WebCAPE placement test to help determine your level of French proficiency. The placement test is $10. 

After you take the placement test, use the table below to help choose the appropriate class based on your WebCAPE score.

WebCAPE ScoreCourse Recommendation
0-240FR 101
241-252FR 102
253-305FR 103
306-311FR 201
312-350FR 202
351-394FR 203
395+FR 301
Above 500Consult with an advisor.

For additional information about selecting the appropriate French course, please contact Dr. Gina Greco at Please include the following information in your email:
•  PSU ID number
•  Your WebCAPE placement test score
•  Where and when you studied the language and for how long
•  How long it has been since you last studied the language

Please note: This placement test does not waive the Second Language Requirements. Students who need to take a proficiency exam to fulfill the second language requirement for the admission, Bachelor of Arts (BA), or Master of Arts (MA), see the Second Language Requirements page for information and instructions. 


Request a Faculty Advisor for French Majors and Minors

  • If you plan to major or minor in French, please complete the Advisor Request Form to request a faculty advisor. Once you submit this form, you will be matched with a language advisor and notified via email from 
  • For information on your general undergraduate requirements, consult your pathway advisor. Your assigned advisor's name and contact information is listed in your myPSU account on the "Academics" page. More information on how to find your advisor can be found on the Advising Pathways website.

Advising Worksheets for French Majors and Minors

Upcoming French Courses

Use the Schedule of Classes to help you plan your course schedule.

Registration Overrides

  • A registration override might be required for certain prerequisites, co-requisite, class time conflicts, closed and restricted classes, etc.
  • To request a registration override, please contact the faculty member who teaches the course for assistance. If no instructor is listed, please email
  • When your instructor or the department provides a registration override for you it does not mean you are registered. You must still log on to your myPSU account and register for the course.
  • Your instructor and the department provide registration overrides by CRN only. This means you will only be able to register for the particular section your instructor has authorized. Other sections will still have have restrictions if you attempt to register.
  • If you are currently on the waitlist and have received a Faculty Override from your instructor, you must register for the course via myPSU. Under Add/Drop Courses, you must first drop from the waitlist by selecting "Drop Waitlist", then re-add the course by selecting "Reinstate Course" from the drop-down menu in the Action Field.
  • More information on registration overrides here

French Faculty

Find French faculty.

French Tutoring Services

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers drop-in tutoring services for 100- and 200-level language students. See the schedule here. Non-PSU students, please see our list of community tutors and translators