Split the cost and save on parking!

Carpool Permits

two people driving in car

Carpooling is an environmentally friendly way for PSU Faculty, Staff, and Students to commute to campus and share the price.

Benefits of Carpooling:

  • Save money! When splitting the permit cost with another Faculty/Staff member, each person only pays $69 per month, which is $81 less than a General parking permit
  • It’s better for the environment! Having fewer cars on the road means reduced Greenhouse Gas emissions and improved air quality for the city
  • Reduce single rider occupancy and lower traffic congestion
  • Make new friends
  • Save money on gas

Carpooling can also save you time with priority parking locations around campus that are exclusively for folks that choose to carpool. Carpool-specific spaces include Parking Structure One, spaces are on the ramp between 2 and 3. In Parking Structure Two spaces are at the top of the entrance ramp on both sides.

Looking for a carpool buddy? TO PSU is now available for PSU faculty, staff, and students and can match drivers and riders commuting at similar times and driving similar routes!

To get started with the TO PSU app, first, navigate to the app store on your mobile device (iOS and Android) and search Luum. Download the app to your device and enter your PSU email address to begin the login process. You will then be directed to PSU's Single-Sign-On system, where you should enter your PSU credentials to be authenticated. Once logged in, navigate to the carpool page, our system will automatically find a carpool match based on your address in the PSU system. 

Check out our Carpool page for more information on how to purchase a carpool permit!


Please feel free to email us with any questions you have, parking@pdx.edu.


Transportation and Parking