PR404 Crisis Communications & Image Management

About This Course

A crisis can be defined as a major, unpredictable event that has the potential to negatively impact a business. The event and its aftermath may significantly damage an organization and its employees, products, services, financial conditions, and reputation. Every organization should be thoroughly prepared for a crisis and ready to manage the flow of information. In this course, participants will focus on communication strategies for dealing with crisis situations, learn about the different types of crises that may occur, and learn how to develop a communications plan before a crisis happens.


Course Snapshot



Once per year (Spring)


4 weeks


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Businesswoman leading a presentation


Strategic communication is the total effort of an organization to inform, motivate, and connect with its various audiences. As social media and the immediacy of digital media takes over the news cycle, understanding how an organization is perceived by its internal and external audiences is essential for...

What You’ll Learn

Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the knowledge to:

  • Understand and be able to apply the key concepts and principles of crisis communications and image/reputation management;
  • Be able to fully identify potential risks/threats and crises that can befall organizations, in addition to the prospective range of impacts;
  • Understand the PR practitioner’s role in risk identification, crisis communications, and image/reputation management;
  • Know the fundamental aspects of crisis communications planning and preparation;
  • Evaluate audiences and stakeholders to tailor crisis messaging appropriately and use effective communication strategies and channels;
  • Gain understanding and techniques for handling internal communications, social media, and media during a crisis.

The Learning Environment

This class is fully online and includes live, online sessions with the instructor.

Courses in this Certificate Track

Enrolling in the full certificate program allows for more comprehensive learning in regard to strategic communications and public relations.

Courses may be taken individually and in any order unless otherwise noted. Four courses are required to complete the certificate. If pursuing the certificate, all courses in the certificate program must be completed within three years. Visit the program page for a recommended sequence.