Mathematics + Statistics Courses

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By-Arrangement Courses

If you are signing up for a Math/Stat 401, 404, 501, or 504 course, you will need to submit an eBy-Arrangement Credit Request.

Please contact the faculty member you are working with if you need help initiating the request. The final day to enroll in by-arrangement courses is the same as the final day to add classes for the term. However, if enrollment in the by-arrangement is required in order to receive Financial Aid, the course must be added before the end of the second week of the term.

If you are registering for one of the following courses, please include the standard course description in your by-arrangement request:

For STAT 501 and MTH 501 (MA/MS Mathematics): Student will complete and present a paper which deals with a current literature and problems project. Evaluation based on paper and public presentation.

For MTH 501 (MS-MTCH): Historic and curriculum research on the topic of: [list topic here]. Grade based on final paper and oral presentation.  PROJECT PROPOSAL MUST BE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE PRIOR TO 501 REGISTRATION.

For MTH 504 (class assistant internship): The intern must (1) attend all of the classes and participate in group activities; (2) assist in grading homework and computer assignments with guidance from the faculty mentor; (3) meet weekly with the instructor; (4) provide at least 1 hour per week tutoring outside  of class; (5) prepare and conduct at least one lesson and (6) prepare a portfolio of the course.