The purpose of ESM graduate programs is to provide a curriculum that will develop scientists, managers, and educators who are able to analyze and understand environmental systems, predict environmental change and participate in the management of the environment. Each student conducts research and completes a thesis or project; each student develops depth in a specific academic area; and each student develops breadth through a set of core courses that include concepts in physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences.

Environmental Science and Management MS

MS students will complete lab or field thesis research. MS theses are based on a hypothesis driven research project that addresses an environmental question. Research may consist of field and/or lab research, though frequently it is a combination of both. MS students are advised primarily by a faculty advisor.

Current documents (see bottom of page for previous versions)

Masters of Environmental Management (MEM)

MEM students will complete a project with scope and effort similar to a thesis but with more flexibility of topic and design, including in-depth study of an appropriate problem. MEM students conduct a project in collaboration with a community partner (e.g. government agency, non-governmental organization, private sector) that addresses a relevant and timely environmental issue. MEM students are co-advised by a community partner and a faculty advisor.

Current documents (see bottom of page for previous versions)

Professional Science Masters (PSM)

The Professional Science Master (PSM) in Environmental Science and Management degree helps students enhance their preparation for professional work in the environmental field.  Starting in the Fall 2023, the PSM students complete two graduate certificates (from those listed in the PSM planning grid below), take professional development courses, and complete a 4-8 credit project or internship over the period of one to two academic terms. The project or internship is intended to be a capstone experience that happens after initiating coursework on at least one of the two required graduate certificates. The PSM graduate study program is initially developed by the graduate student in consultation with the PSM Coordinator and the coordinators for the graduate certificate programs the student has chosen; later, the student will identify an advisor to oversee their project or internship.  Key features of this degree are the additional credentials earned by the student while completing their graduate certificates, and the capstone project or internship experience.

Current documents (see bottom of page for previous versions)

Previous Versions of Degree Documents