Deadline Extensions

Deadline Extensions provide students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of course knowledge and meet essential course requirements even when their disability limits their ability to complete and/or turn in work on time.

Reasonable Extension Adjustments

The Deadline extensions allow the student a two or three (2-3) day extension on assignments, papers, and projects when the student's disability interferes with their ability to complete the work on time. If a deadline extension creates a fundamental alteration to the course or inhibits the learning process for other students, or if more than 2-3 days is requested, consult with an Access Counselor & Consultant at the DRC before proceeding.

Communication Regarding Deadline Extensions

The following information is intended to generate some ideas for the instructor and the student to use in discussing the possibilities and the limitations of Deadline Extensions in a particular course.

After receiving the Faculty Notification Letter from the DRC and before the student needs to use the accommodation, students and instructors are equally responsible for communicating with each other regarding Deadline Extensions. This can be done in a number of ways, including via Zoom or Google Hangouts, by phone, email, or in person (if circumstances allow).

Keep in mind that:

  • If you feel the student has been given sufficient time to complete the assignment, project, or paper and you are concerned that further extension of the deadline is not reasonable, contact the DRC to discuss the situation.
  • Deadline extensions may not apply to online discussion board posts if the instructor is grading these posts as “in-class participation”. Please contact DRC with any questions you may have.
  • Accommodations begin on the date the DRC Notification Email is sent to the instructor. Therefore, the Notification Email may be sent at any point in the term but they would only be eligible for accommodations from the date of receipt through the end of the term.
  • Students who request accommodations prior to the DRC Notification Email being sent should be referred to an Access Counselor & Consultant (AC&C) at the DRC.
  • Instructors cannot request medical documentation or information about a student’s disability to verify their disability-related need for accommodation.

Communication Process

Reasonable accommodations preserve both the integrity of the course and the student’s right to an equitable educational experience. Reasonable accommodations are not meant to change or lower the essential requirements or outcomes of the course.

A proactive conversation about Deadline Extensions between the instructor and student should focus on the impact of missing a deadline and when a deadline extension may be reasonable. The following questions may help guide you:

  • Will assignments be discussed in class after they are turned in?
    • If assignments, projects, or papers are discussed in class or immediately after the due date, a deadline extension may not be reasonable. We suggest consultation with the DRC in this case.
  • Are there group projects?
    • If the student is working with a group, deadline extensions may disadvantage the other students in the group and, therefore, may not be reasonable. We recommend consulting with the DRC in this case.
  • How and when will the student communicate that they need a deadline extension?
    • Students must communicate their request for a deadline extension as far in advance of the deadline as possible. If the student’s disability precludes advance notification, the student should contact the instructor as soon as possible after the missed deadline within the two to three (2-3) day period. If more time is needed, consultation with the DRC is strongly encouraged.
  • How will the student turn in assignments (e.g. via email, Canvas, in person)?
    • If students are expected to hand in their assignments, papers, or projects in person, the instructor should consider whether the assignment could be turned in virtually. The instructor and student need to discuss how this will be done so that there is no confusion.

If you have questions about the information on this page, please contact the Disability Resource Center.

Phone: 503-725-4150

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