Paul Manson

Paul Manson

Paul is a Research Assistant Professor with the PSU Center for Public Service. As a researcher at CPS, Paul leads projects that explore public opinion, policy evaluation, election administration, environmental policy and leadership development. As a survey researcher, Paul has developed local and national survey programs that support decision making and policy development. He also leads qualitative research projects, including content analysis, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. In a partnership with the Elections & Voting Information Center, Paul manages the nation’s only annual survey of local election officials. The survey explores the election administration challenges faced by front-line public service leaders across the US. He also serves on the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Election Workforce Taskforce to connect these research findings to policy proposals to support the equitable development of the nation’s election workforce. Additionally, for the past decade he has combined his research interests in environmental policy with education and pedagogical skills to provide training for natural resource professionals across the US. Paul's research focuses on public opinion and governance challenges around critical issues facing the West, including wildfire, disaster resilience, and coastal and marine management. Paul is committed to a co-production model of training - a model that recognizes the power or academic research and practioner experience to create opportunities for innovation. Paul holds a PhD in public policy and affairs and a Master of Public Administration from Portland State University.