Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for April 5, 2021

Woman sits in front of sculptures


  1. Pelin Basci, University Honors College faculty, authored “‘The Honey-Tongued Storyteller’: Pleasures of Theatrical Narration in Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red,” which is included in the online Festschrift compiled in honor of Turkologist Erika Gilson.
  2. Karen Bjork, library, co-authored “A Multi-institutional Model for Advancing Open Access Journals and Reclaiming Control of the Scholarly Record,” published in The Serials Librarian.
  3. Alida Cantor, geography faculty, published an article titled “Regulators and Utility Managers Agree About Barriers and Opportunities for Innovation in the Municipal Wastewater Sector” in Environmental Research Communications.
  4. Rhiannon Cates, library, co-authored “‘Building That World’: Movements of Vision in the Carceral Classroom” in “New Student Movements” a special issue of Radical Teacher.
  5. Naghmeh Daneshi and Jong Sung Kim, mathematics and statistics, co-authored “Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Pooled Repeated Partly Interval-Censored Observations Logistic Regression Model,” published in the Open Journal of Statistics.
  6. Tom Gillpatrick, business faculty, published “Innovation and the Digital Transformation of Education” in Sınırsız Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi (The Journal of Limitless Education and Research).  
  7. Priya Kapoor, international and global studies faculty, published “Theory(ies) of Culture and Compassion: Indian Writers Call out Local and Global Politics Under the Pall of COVID-19 “ in Frontiers in Communication.
  8. Valerie Thaler MS ’20, and Paul Loikith, geography faculty, co-authored “A Multivariate Assessment of Climate Change Projections Over South America Using the Fifth Phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project” assessing projections of climate change over South America in the International Journal of Climatology.
  9. Maria Talbott, social work faculty emeritus, and Junghee Lee, social work faculty and Center for Public Service senior fellow, co-authored “Ambiguous Terminology: A Challenge in Teaching Social Science Research Methods and Statistics,” in the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.