Summaries of Past Institutes

Mentor assisting mentee with art project

Each year the Institute addresses a theme important to the mentoring field

Summer Institute Yearly Themes

2024 Summer Institute

The 2024 Summer Institute addressed the intentional focus of activities within the mentoring relationship. The choice of activities is influenced by needs, goals, and attitudes at the participant level and also by priorities and outcomes emphasized at the program level. Featured speakers for 2024 included Allison Cloth (University of British Columbia), Kristian Jones (University of Washington), Davi Lakind (Mercer University), Sam McQuillin (University of South Carolina), Manolya Tanyu (American Institutes for Research), and Alexandra Werntz (Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring)

2023 Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring

The 2023 Institute focused on the ways in which mentoring, by promoting connection, social inclusion, and a sense of belonging, can be leveraged to address the growing public health issues of loneliness and social isolation. Speakers for 2023 included Dr. Polly Gipson Allen, University of Michigan Medical School; Westley Fallavollita, University of Virginia; Dr. Michael Karcher, University of Texas at San Antonio; Dr. Christian Rummell of Mentorist ; Dr. Juliet Oshiro, Rural eMentoring, British Columbia; Dr Òscar Prieto Flores at University of Girona; & Dr. Lindsey Weiler at University of Minnesota

2020 Summer Institute

The 2020 Summer Institute focuses on mentoring older adolescents for college and career readiness in the transition to adulthood

2018 Summer Institute

In 2018, the Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring focused on the theme of program quality improvement. Several different strategies for enhancing the management and performance of existing mentoring programs have been investigated in recent years. The results of evaluations addressing quality improvement implementation processes and program outcomes were presented by leading scholars. Speakers for 2018 include Thomas Akiva (University of Pittsburgh), Alison Drew (Boston University), David DuBois (University of Illinois at Chicago), Roger Jarjoura (American Institutes of Research), Sam McQuillin (University of South Carolina), Janis Kupersmidt and Kathryn Stump (innovation Research & Training), and Meghan Perry and Susan Walsh (Friends of the Children).

2017 Summer Institute

The 2017 Institute addressed the theme of Mentoring in the Civic Space, focusing on intersections between mentoring and youth empowerment, sociopolitical development, civic engagement, social action, and community development. Research fellows for 2017 include Belle Liang (Boston College), Alma Trinidad (Portland State University), Roderick Watts (City University of New York), Laura Wray-Lake (UCLA), and Shepherd Zeldin (University of Wisconsin-Madison). In addition, the Institute will feature special guest speaker Torie Weiston-Serdan of Youth Action Mentoring Network.

2016 Summer Institute

The 2016 Institute addressed the theme of mentoring relationship endings, particularly early match closures. Attention will be given to how programs manage both planned and unplanned closures. Research fellows for 2016 include Antoinette Basualdo-Delmonico (Boston University), Michael Karcher (University of Texas-San Antonio), Elizabeth Raposa (College of William and Mary), and Renee Spencer (Boston University).

2015 Summer Institute

The 2015 Institute addressed the theme of match support—the ways in which programs monitor and promote the ongoing development and maintenance of positive mentoring relationships. Research fellows for 2015 include David DuBois (University of Illinois-Chicago), Kevin Jones (University of Portland), Michael Karcher (University of Texas-San Antonio), Simon Larose (University of Laval), Renee Spencer (Boston University), and Lindsey Weiler (University of Minnesota).

2013 Summer Institute

The 2013 Institute will address the role of risk and other personal and environmental factors that influence mentoring relationships and their effectiveness.  Research fellows for 2013 include Tim Cavell (University of Arkansas), Carla Herrera, Noelle Hurd (University of Virginia), Michael Karcher (University of Texas at San Antonio), and Sarah Schwartz (University of Massachusetts—Boston).