
Newsletter Archive

Spring 2024 Newsletter

The end of another school year is upon us! Let’s take a moment to celebrate and reflect.

Winter 2024 Newsletter

Winter term is wrapping up, and Spring is just about upon us. There are many exciting things going on here at the Toulan School (and beyond) that I'm happy to share with you.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

It is my pleasure to bring you this newsletter, which I hope finds you well as the Fall term wraps up, and we bring a busy and eventful 2023 to a close.

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the Spring 2023 Toulan School newsletter! This is our second newsletter in this new quarterly format. 

Winter 2023 Newsletter

It is my pleasure to share with you the winter 2023 edition of our Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning newsletter. Our aim is to be in more regular communication with friends like you about the exciting work happening here at the Toulan School, the impact that work has on students and our communities, and ways you can get involved and support our work.

Spring 2022 Newsletter

I am happy to issue the Spring 2022 newsletter of the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning. While last year was a challenge, with all of our courses delivered remotely, this year was even more disorienting with a tentative move back to campus, a new course management system (Canvas), a new “attend anywhere” teaching modality offering simulcast remote and in-person instruction, and mask and vaccine requirements for campus buildings.

Spring 2021 Newsletter

I am happy to issue the Spring 2021 newsletter of the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning (TSUSP). It’s been a strange year: our 150+ course offerings were entirely delivered remotely, we have three new faculty members that most of our students and some faculty have never met in person, and nearly all of the school’s faculty and staff have not regularly worked in the office since March 13, 2020. Bizarre. Still, we kept on teaching and learning, and there’s news from our students and faculty I wish to share here with you. 

Spring 2020 Newsletter

For the past few years, I’ve issued a newsletter at the end of Spring term to share Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning (TSUSP) news with the wider group of community partners, alumni, and agencies and firms with which we work. We do have much to celebrate and I've placed a few highlights below my signature.