Currently Accolades: Presented for October 11, 2021

Illustration of three ribbons


  1. Lisa K. Bates, urban studies and planning faculty, presented at Urban Institute event Opportunity in the Crisis: Findings from a Year of Research on Renters in the Pandemic and the Programs Needed to Stabilize Them on Sept. 30.
  2. Scott Burns, geology faculty emeritus, gave a presentation on “Forestry Practices and Landslides and Sediments in the Streams on the Northern Oregon Coast” for the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition’s “Human Impact on Coastal Landscapes” panel discussion on Sept. 30.
  3. Anahita Khodadadi, architecture faculty, presented a paper titled “Computational Form Exploration of Branching Columns Using Concepts of Formex Algebra and the ParaGen Method” at the International Association of Shells and Spatial Structures Annual Symposium Aug. 23-27.
  4. Anahita Khodadadi, architecture faculty, spoke at Point Park University on Sept. 21 On “Principles that Shaped Iranian Classical Architecture.”
  5. Marisa Zapata, urban studies and planning faculty, presented “Improving the Point In Time Count After a Year of Disruption” at the National Virtual Conference on Ending Homelessness on Sept. 21.