Currently Accolades: Grants for May 3, 2021

A man and a woman inspect machinery on a boat


  1. Eva Thanheiser, mathematics and statistics faculty, received a $640,568 four-year grant from the National Science Foundation for “Developing and Researching K-12 Teacher Leaders Enacting Anti-bias Mathematics Education.”
  2. Eva Thanheiser, mathematics and statistics faculty, received a $940,534.00 three-year grant from the National Science Foundation for “Connecting Elementary Mathematics Teaching to Real-World Issues.”
  3. Diana White, Institute on Aging senior research associate, and Ozcan Tunalilar, urban studies and planning and Institute on Aging faculty, received a $188,614 two-year grant from the Donaghue Foundation to conduct secondary analysis to further develop the Resident VIEW, a measure of  the lived experiences those in various long-term care settings. With Serena Hasworth and Jaclyn Winfree, also of the  Institute on Aging, they will identify factors associated with resident experiences of person-centered care, quality of life, and quality of care.