Reporting Time




Timesheets & Leave Reports

All employees are responsible for reporting time worked and leave taken each month in order to be paid correctly. Instructions and tips are available to assist with accurate and compliant reporting. How reporting must take place is dependent upon the employee's position type and exemption status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Positions may be defined as exempt or non-exempt under the FLSA.

  • Positions that are non-exempt are subject to overtime rules outlined in Federal and State laws and under applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements.
  • Positions that are not subject to overtime pay are considered exempt.

Exception: Use a paper timesheet ONLY when directed by Payroll.

Approvers/Proxies - See below for  Web Time Entry definitions and tips.

PositionPay CycleDocumentationDue DateMore tips
Classified Non-exempt16th - 15th of each monthTimesheet15th of the month or last day worked in the pay periodTips
Classified Exempt1st to 31st of each monthTimesheet10th of the following monthTips
Unclassified1st to 31st of each monthTimesheet10th of the following monthTips
Unclassified Exempt1st to 31st of each monthOnline Leave ReportThe 10th of each monthReport leave taken (vacation, sick leave, or other leave with or without pay) on a monthly pay cycle.
A Leave Report is required for each month worked.
Unclassified Non-exempt1st to 31st of each monthMonthly Time ReportThe 10th of each monthRecord actual time worked and leave taken, recording daily activity totals, throughout the monthly pay cycle.
A Monthly Time Report is required for each month worked.
Student Hourly16th - 15th of each monthWeb Timesheet15th of the month or last day worked in the pay period 
Temporary or Wage Pool16th - 15th of each monthWeb Timesheet15th of the month or last day worked in the pay period 

Timesheet Tips for Classified Positions (Non-Exempt)

Essential to the payroll function are accuracy, timeliness, and consistency of timesheet completion and reporting. Standard timesheet templates are provided for hourly and monthly staff in classified positions in order to reduce payment errors, improve processing times and provide a more reliable payroll service to our employees.

Pay Period Reporting Calendars

Full-time (1.0 FTE) employees are expected to record the full number of hours possible in the pay period when completing their timesheet. Part-time employees (those working below 1.0 FTE) will report a prorated amount of the possible hours for the pay period.

PSU Work Week: Sunday Through Saturday

The work week is used to determine overtime. For employees in overtime-subject positions all work performed over 40 hours in the set 7 day work week is overtime per federal and state law. At PSU this work week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Additional information on overtime follows in the Overtime section below.

Recording Regular Time Worked

The “Regular” row on the timesheet should include all regular time worked. The number of hours that are recorded as regular time are determined by the assigned work schedule within the PSU work week defined above.

Three possible work schedules are outlined in the SEIU CBA:

  1. Regular, with the same starting and stopping times on five (5) 8-hour days;
  2. Irregular, with the same starting and stopping times on four (4) 10-hour days (or other agreed upon set weekly work patterns like 4-9’s & 1-4); or
  3. Flexible, which varies the number of hours worked on a daily basis but not necessarily every day or every week.

Employees who:

  • work a “Regular” schedule - the first 8 hours you work each day should be recorded as regular time worked.
  • work an “Irregular” schedule - all hours worked up to the agreed upon schedule should be recorded as regular time worked.
  • work a “Flexible” schedule - all hours worked  up to 10 hours each day should be recorded as regular time worked.

Here is an example of an employee on an Irregular work schedule who worked above their scheduled hours on Wednesday:

WkdRegular 101010100 40
Regular Other        
Overtime - FLSA   2   2
OT - Non-FLSA and HOL. Wkd        

Regular Other

This line is used to record additional regular hours (straight pay hours) worked by employees below 1.0 FTE. For example, an employee in a .5 FTE position (20 hours per week) would record the first 20 hours worked during the week in the Regular row and then record any additional hours worked above 20 up to 40 in the Regular Other row.

Here is an example of a .5 FTE employee that worked 25 hours in the week:

WkdRegular 5555  20
Regular Other     5 5
Overtime - FLSA        
OT - Non-FLSA and HOL. Wkd        

Overtime: How it's Earned and How to Report It

Overtime is earned following the definitions of work week and work schedule described above. In addition, there are two types of overtime an employee may earn. The first is FLSA overtime which occurs when you actually work more than 40 hours in a work week. The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) both require an employer to pay employees in overtime-subject positions at time and one half for any time the employee works above 40 hours in a work week.

The second type is non-FLSA or contractual overtime which is earned when an employee works more than the hours in their work schedule as listed below:

  1. Regular work schedule - more than 8 hours in a day;
  2. Irregular work schedule - more than 10 hours in a day (or above the agree upon scheduled hours);
  3. Flexible work schedule - more than 10 hours in a day and/or more than 40 hours in a work week.

For the purposes of earning non-FLSA or contractual overtime when paid leave is taken (sick, vacation, personal and comp time), the paid leave time is included as time worked for overtime calculations (see SEIU CBA).

Please be aware that an employee can only earn one type of overtime for time worked over 40 hours in the work week or excess hours worked in a day. Although overtime work may be protected by multiple laws and the SEIU contract, it is only paid once. An example of this is when an employee on a regular work schedule works 41 hours in the week and 9 hours on one day – the employee has worked one hour of overtime and that one hour is protected by three sources.

Here is an example of an employee on a Flexible schedule that used sick leave and earned non-FLSA overtime in that week:

WkdRegular 32.5
Regular Other        
Overtime - FLSA     .5 .5
OT - Non-FLSA and HOL. Wkd        
LeaveSick Leave    7.5  7.5

Premium or Differential Pay

There are many types of premium and differential payments. Some of these are paid automatically with regular pay (after the employee qualifies). These include differentials for Lead Work, Work Out-of-Classification, Security Officers, Campus Dispatchers and some Trades workers. Other differentials must be added to your timesheet for payment as they are earned.

Type of DifferentialConditions*How Pay is Managed
High WorkWhen an employee is required to perform work more than twenty (20) feet directly above the ground or water and use of safety ropes, scaffolds, boatswain chairs or other similar safety devices are required for support.Reported and approved on the employee’s timesheet.
Charge NurseStaff Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Registered Nurses who are assigned and are performing charge duties will receive a differential.Reported and approved on the employee’s timesheet.
Hazardous MaterialsPerforming work with hazardous materials which requires a certificate or a license. Applies only when HazMat duties are not included in the classification specifications for the employee’s job.Reported and approved on the employee’s timesheet.
SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner)Licensed Practical Nurse, Staff Nurse, Charge Nurse, Registered Nurse 1, Registered Nurse 2, Mid-Level Practitioners who are certified and assigned to conduct SANE examinations for hours performing such duties.
Employees in the above classifications and Medical Aides who are trained in the performance of assisting and are assigned to assist in a SANE examination for hours performing such duties.
Reported and approved on the employee’s timesheet.
Shift DifferentialSpecific job classifications which are allocated to Salary Range 24 or below for each hour or major portion thereof (thirty minutes (30) or more), worked between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and for each hour or major portion thereof worked on Saturday or Sunday, except where the employee has requested to be on a flexible work schedule, and has been granted the requested change.Reported and approved on the employee’s timesheet.

Recording Premium and Differential Pay

Pay rates for differentials are coded into the payroll system so employees do not need to indicate the payment rate for these when completing timesheets. When the payment is issued, the system will perform all of the payment calculations.

There is a row on the timesheet designed for recording Shift Differential. When recording Shift Differential units, record only whole units. Shift differential is not paid by the hour but as a unit for each major portion of the hour worked as described in the table above. Employees should not record any partial units of Shift Differential. It is also important to not add together those portions of units from days that did not meet a full qualifying unit. Shift differential units are determined day by day.

There is also a row on the timesheet designed for recording On-Call. When recording time assigned to be On-Call, simply record the actual number of hours on call. The payroll system will perform the calculations to convert on-call hours for payment.

All other premium and differential pay that is earned should be recorded on the Other row in the Premium section of the timesheet. Employees must also make a note in the Remarks section describing the type of premium or differential payment being reported. Please be specific in the comment section, for example "Hazardous materials--supervisory level - 2 hours." Without the corresponding remark, payroll is unable to issue the correct type of payment.

Differential pay is recorded in addition to the recording of hours worked. Banweb automatically calculates shift differential for employees.

Recording Use of Paid Leave Balances (Sick, Vacation, Comp Time, Personal, and Other)

Employees should always check their leave balances first. Please verify the leave balances in banweb or myPSU prior to completing a timesheet. In addition, leave time cannot be used in the same month it is accrued. Leave is earned at the end of the pay period and is available to use in the following pay period.

Check leave balances on the PSU Information System using either banweb or myPSU anytime. They are also listed on pay stubs.

Be On-Time, Go Direct & Go Green!

Not only is Direct Deposit the easiest, safest and fastest way to receive a paycheck, it is also a more efficient, inexpensive and sustainable approach to managing pay. Currently over 94% of PSU employees receive direct deposit. Please sign up for Payroll Direct Deposit.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring timecards are approved on time.  Please set a reminder to approve timesheets each month by the 17th.

Timesheet Tips for Unclassified Monthly Positions

Why do employees in "salaried" positions need to fill out a timesheet?

It's true that emploees in these positions are paid on a salary basis each month, however because the position is overtime-eligible according to federal overtime laws, each hour worked must be accounted for. The timesheet is the mechanism by which we reconcile how an employee is paid (salary) versus how the employee actually works (by the hour).

Add it up!

Please remember to add up all lines on your timesheet each month.

Accrual and use of Vacation, Sick and Comp Time: Trip-ups to Avoid...

Leave time cannot be used in the same month it is accrued. For example, if an employee accrues eight (8) hours of vacation (or comp time) on their time sheet, they cannot use it to cover time off until the next pay period.

If an employee records more leave usage on their timesheet than they have available to use, the system will dock pay. For example, if an employee records 24 hours of sick time used, but they only have 16 hours available then pay will be docked for eight (8) hours.

Employees can check leave balances on the PSU Information System ( at any time. They also print on the earning statement each month.

Regular Other Pay: What is it and Why to Record Hours There

This line is used by employees who are in positions at less than a 1.0 FTE (less than full time). The FTE is the percentage of 40 hours per week an employee's salary compensates them for. For example, employees in a position that is at .60 FTE (24 hours per week) will receive a salary covering 24 hours per week. Record up to 24 hours of work on the regular line of earnings. If the employee works more than 24 hours that week, then they would record any time above the 24th hour on the "Regular Other Hours" line. So, if an employee worked 28 hours for the week, they would record it this way:

WkdRegular6666   24
Regular Other    4  4
Holiday Worked        

Overtime: How it's Earned and How to Report It

PSU's work week is defined as Sunday through Saturday. For example, if an employee works 45 hours one week, they would record the time this way:

WkdRegular910993  40
Regular Other        
Overtime    5  5
Holiday Worked        

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Web Time Entry (WTE) Earnings Code Definitions

Student Employee Earnings

RSTRegular Student WagesHourly pay for students who perform work at regular student wages.
RWSWork-Study Student WagesHourly pay for students employed under the College Work Study Program (CSWP) who perform work for PSU or with a community service organization.
LTTSick Leave TakenSick leave taken, paid at regular straight time rate of pay.
GAAGrad, Admin. AsstHourly wage for students employed as a Graduate Administrative Assistant.

Earnings for Employees in Temporary Staff Positions

REGRegular Hours/EarningsTemporary employee hourly pay for services performed.

Earnings for Employees in Academic Wage Positions

OAPAcademic Wages & Other AcadPayHourly pay for miscellaneous unclassified services performed under an hourly academic wage agreement (generally excludes Athletics).
ONBOther Academic Pay, No BenefitHourly pay for miscellaneous unclassified services performed under an hourly academic wage agreement for work explicitly not covered by benefits or union dues (generally used for Athletics).
OAUOther Academic Pay, UnitsPiece work paid to employees in unclassified positions for piece work services.
OVPOverload-NonInstructl-PERS SubjNon-Instructional Overload - Special or additional pay to compensate employees in unclassified positions for non-instructional services rendered in excess of full-time employment (for example, when the additional service causes a faculty member's term FTE to exceed 1.00).
OVXOverload-Instructnl-PERS Exmpt

Instructional Overload - Special or additional pay to compensate employees in unclassified positions for instructional services rendered that exceed full-time employment (for example, when additional service causes a faculty member's term FTE to exceed 1.00).

Note: Pay for which this transaction code is used is not considered salary for retirement purposes per ORS.

Earnings for Employees in Classified, SEIU-represented Positions

REGRegular Hours/EarningsRegular pay for regular hours worked by an employee in a classified position.
LPOHoliday Leave Pay
Holiday leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay.
LTSSick Leave TakenSick leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay.
LTVVacation Time TakenVacation leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay.
LTPPersonal Leave TakenPersonal leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay.
LTCComp Time Taken, Non FLSACompensatory leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay. This leave is earned by accruing SEIU Contractual Overtime worked as comp time off (see Earn Code LEC).
LTFComp Time Taken, FLSACompensatory leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay. This leave is earned by accruing FLSA Overtime worked as comp time off (see Earn Code LEF).
LTYFurlough Leave Taken – HourlyFurlough leave time taken, paid at the regular straight time rate of pay.
LW1Other Paid Leave Taken

Other leave time taken. Paid at the regular straight time rate of pay. Use this code to record miscellaneous paid leaves taken such as Jury Duty, Bereavement Leave or Military Training Leave.

**You are required to record a “Comment” describing the leave taken.

LW3Leave WITHOUT Pay, No BenefitsLeave WITHOUT Pay should be used to record approved unpaid leave time taken, generally after other paid leave balances are exhausted. This earn code does not generate pay or benefits contributions.
LW7Furlough Pay ReductionFurlough Pay Reduction, per the Letter of Agreement on Mandatory Unpaid Leave Days.
OTMOT Worked,
Please Pay

FLSA Overtime - Used to record overtime pay for work performed that is subject to FLSA requirements. Enter the actual hours you worked; Pay is calculated at time and one-half


Classified Contractual Overtime - Pay for time worked in excess of work schedule as defined by labor agreement:

  • 8 hours per day
  • 10 hours per day
  • Over other agreed upon full time work schedule

Enter the actual hours you worked. Pay is calculated at time and one-half.

LECOT Worked, Accrue SEIU Comp

SEIU Contractual Overtime – Accrue comp time for hours worked in excess of work schedule as defined by labor agreement:

  • 8 hours per day
  • 10 hours per day
  • Over other agreed upon full time work schedule

Enter the actual hours you worked; Banner updates the Comp Time leave balance at (1.5) times the hours entered.

LEFOT Worked, Accrue FLSA Comp

FLSA Overtime - Used to record overtime pay for work performed that is subject to FLSA requirements. Pay is calculated at one and one-half times the rate entered;

Hours input are actual hours earned; Banner updates the Comp Time leave balance at (1.5) times the hours entered.

DSHShift Differential

Standard Shift Differential is a premium pay of $.75 per unit for actual work at night between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and weekend work on Saturday and Sunday by employees in salary grade 23 or below.

See Article 20, Section 4 for additional eligibility criteria. For “Nurse Shift Differential” use the earn code DXX.

Enter the number of units earned for each hour or major portion of an hour, thirty minutes (30) or more, worked between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and on Saturday and Sunday.

PSBOn-Call PayOn-Call Pay is paid at a rate equivalent to one hour of straight time pay for each six (6) hours of assigned on-call duty outside of his or her normal working hours. On-call duty is not work time and ends when the employee begins performing work.
DHWHigh Work DifferentialHigh Work Differential is a $1.00 per hour differential paid to employees required to perform work more than 20 feet above ground where safety ropes, scaffolds, boatswain chairs, or similar safety devices are required. See Article 20, Section 2 (A) for additional eligibility criteria.
DCOConfined Space DifferentialConfined Space Differential is a $1.00 per hour differential paid to employees working in a permit-required confined space as defined by OSHA. See Article 20, Section 2 (F) for additional eligibility criteria.
DXXOther Differential/
Premium Pay

Use this earn code to record other, less frequently used, differential and premium pay codes including:

  • Hazardous Material Differential
  • Charge Nurse Differential 1
  • Charge Nurse Differential 2
  • Nurse Shift Differential (RA, NP and LPN)
  • Call Back Pay
  • Reporting Compensation
  • Show-Up Compensation

**You are required to record a “Comment” describing the differential earned.