Peer Note Takers

Students in your classes may need help taking notes!

If your instructor has made an announcement or you’ve received an email looking for a Peer Note Taker, there is a student in your course who needs to be matched with someone who can share lecture notes. Peer Note Takers are paid by the DRC to share their notes with DRC students who are unable to take fast and quality notes in their lecture courses, and need a way to review and study the lecture material. If you would like to earn some extra money while in your classes, and share your notes with a classmate, sign up below!

What do I get out of note taking?

  • You are supporting your classmates in our diverse PSU community!
  • Taking notes for others improves your own notes! It’s an additional motivation to attend and engage in classes.
  • Earn money while you’re in classes! The DRC pays students $25.00 per credit hour (example: 10 weeks of notes for a four-credit course would earn a total $100)
  • Flexible work experience!

New to Note Taking?

Getting started as a note taker is simple! 

  • Watch our tutorial on signing up to become a note taker for the DRC.
  • Then fill out our application form in DRC Online!
  • Make sure to enter the course registration numbers for any courses you would be willing to be matched as the peer note taker. This is how our system matches you with available assignments.
  • If you are matched to take notes in a class, you will receive an email from the DRC with the offer and next steps. Once you have taken the next steps to confirm your new assignment, you will be able to begin uploading notes to the DRC Online system

Already Signed Up As A Notetaker?

  • Watch our tutorial on entering your availability in DRC Online.
  • Log in to DRC Online to enter your availability! Make sure to enter the course registration numbers for any courses you would be willing to be matched as the peer note taker. This is how our system matches you with available assignments. Then fill out our application form in DRC Online!
  • If you are matched to take notes in a class, you will receive an email from the DRC with the offer and next steps. Once you have taken the next steps to confirm your new assignment, you will be able to begin uploading notes to the DRC Online system.

If you have questions about the information on this page, please contact the Disability Resource Center.

Access Services Coordinator
For Note Taking Services
Phone: 503-725-6504

Check our home page ( for our hours and contact information.