Master's Degree Funding Options

Master's Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Funding Options

The Criminology and Criminal Justice Department offers two internal funding options to graduate students as Graduate Assistants (GAs). Additionally, funding through other sources may be available through search assistantships or positions with a community partner. While the number of funded positions varies from year to year, several of our students receive some form of assistance to help offset the costs of their graduate degree.

A GA receives both a tuition remission and a stipend for the 9-month academic year for two years of graduate studies. Summer work is often available but not guaranteed. The tuition remission covers the first 9 credits of tuition and the mandatory university and student fees. GAs are unionized, and their Stipends are determined by their collective bargaining agreement. All GAs must register for and complete at least 9 credit hours per term and remain in good academic standing to retain their funding. The position is renewable for one additional year, contingent on available funding and satisfactory performance.

The department currently offers two internal Graduate Assistantships (GAs). Those positions are described below:

  • Campus Graduate Assistantship: GAs assigned to work in our campus program hold a .30 FTE position that requires them to work roughly 13 hours a week assisting a faculty member. This primarily involves grading assistance, leading discussion groups, or facilitating a lab. Additionally, there may be opportunities to collaborate on research projects.
  • Online Graduate Assistantship: GAs assigned to work in our fully online undergraduate program work as online course facilitators. This position is a .45 FTE, meaning they work about 19 hours a week assisting a faculty member in their online course. 

The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice participates in the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP), and our students are eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Additional information about funding your graduate education can be found at the Office of Graduate Studies.

If you are from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming, in addition to Oregon residents, you qualify to pay in-state tuition. Please review the program guidelines for consideration.  

Prospective students wishing to be considered for any one of the Department’s internally funded positions must answer the following questions and submit them with their online application: 1) Why are you interested in an assistantship? 2) What work experience do you have that might be applicable to the graduate program? 3) Do you have any teaching experience (if yes, describe)? 4) Do you have any prior research experience (if yes, describe)?

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  • Have Questions? 

    Please contact, Dr. Mark Leymon at, or schedule time on his calendar for in-person, Zoom, or phone meetings.