VMS team with car in front of Engineering Bulidng

MME Student Groups


ASHRAE celebrated it's 125th anniversary in 2020. The socieity was originally formed as the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (ASHVE) in 1894. Following in their footsteps. refrigeration engineers form the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) in 1904. The two societies formally merged in 1959 to create the The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, better known as ASHRAE.

The original goal of ASHVE was to have an engineering society composed of active workers in the field of heating and ventilating who could meeting and discuss subjects that were found to be the most interesting to the members. Today, ASHRAE's goal is to shape tomorrow’s built environment today through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.

The PSU ASHRAE chapter provides students with educational and professional networking opportunities within the field of building sciences. The student chapter has a strong relationship with many local engineering consulting firms as well as the ASHRAE OR professional chapter. The student chapter organizes a diverse calendar of events each year including presentations by professionals and alumnae on topics of building science, "green building" projects, volunteer activities, and high performance building tours throughout the region.

The group participates in the annual ASHRAE international student design competition and has been awarded first place (2015), third place (2016) and the rising star award (2012). Student members are encouraged to attend ASHRAE OR chapter events where they can network with local professionals.

While ASHRAE is a MME student group, it is open to all students interested in sustainability within the building sciences.  Learn more about PSU's ASHRAE Chapter.

Viking Motorsports

The main goal of Viking Motorsports (VMS) is to compete in the worldwide collegiate Formula SAE competition. This entails designing, validating, and building an open-wheel formula-style race car. Through this process, members gain a wide range of skills necessary to succeed in the automotive industry as the team is essentially treated like a small business. The team creates a yearly budget, vehicle design, and project timeline, and given those restraints, produces a race car that can stand up to the rigorous standards upheld by Formula SAE. The team proves it meets these standards at competition through technical inspections, design presentations, business presentations, and dynamic events.

While VMS is an MME student group, it is open to members from all disciplines. Here is a recent news story from VMS.  For more information on VMS, please visit the Viking Motorsports website.

Sponsor and/or Donate to VMS

VMS is primarily funded through sponsorships and donations. If you are interested in sponsoring VMS, please contact mmedept@pdx.edu. If you are interested in donating to VMS, please click the Donate to VSM button below.