Campus Alert:
12:11 PM
May 2nd, 2024

PSU ALERT: The SHELTER IN PLACE for Montgomery and Blackstone Halls has ENDED.

Advising Pathways

PSU has seven Advising Pathways that group similar majors together based on common major-changing patterns. Pathways give students the opportunity to stay with the same advisor and advising team as often as possible if they change their major.  You will be assigned an advisor from the Pathway that advises your major; if you are undecided about your major, you will select any Pathway that interests you and work with your assigned Pathway advisor as you explore majors. 

Note about changing majors: If you change majors, your assigned advisor may or may not change. If you change to Arts & Letters, Liberal Studies, Science or Social Science, you may continue to meet with your original advisor.