Campus Alert:
11:42 AM
May 1st, 2024
PSU ALERT: PSU Campus will be CLOSED Wednesday 5/1 due to ongoing incident at library. Check your e-mail or other registered modes for more information.

Spring 2024 Classes

Introduction to Sociology

SOC 200 002 - Frances Stehle - Fully Online

SOC 200 003 - Maura Kelly

Sociological concepts and perspectives concerning human groups; include attention to socialization, culture, institutions, stratification, and societies. Consideration of fundamental concepts and research methodology. 

Contemporary Theory 

SOC 302  - Amy Lubitow - Fully Online

Traces developments in sociological theory from the mid-twentieth century to today. Considers the impact of social change on theory, including intersectional and feminist theories, and theories related to racial inequality. Also explores theorists in the neo-Marxist, post-colonialist, and/or post-modernist traditions.

Alcohol & Other Drugs

SOC 314U - Aaron Roussell 

Sociological analysis of the behavior and belief patterns relative to alcohol and other drugs in American society. Prevention and intervention strategies are briefly reviewed. 

Prejudice, Privilege, & Power

SOC 337U 001 - Jose Padin

SOC 337U 002 - Alex Stepick - Fully Online

Examines the structuring of relationships between dominant and minority groups, including racial, ethnic, gender, religious, and cultural minorities, with primary emphasis on U.S. society. Covers basic concepts and theoretical approaches to the study of majority-minority group relations, including issues of oppression, privilege, adaptation, and intersectionality. Emphasizes the social construction of difference, as well as the structural and historical roots of dominant group privilege and unequal social, economic, and political power.

Marriage & Intimacy

SOC 339U - Emily Shafer - Fully Online

Introduction to sociological and social psychological perspectives on intimate relationships, marriage, and diverse family forms. Examination of the effects of historical and current social contexts and the role of gender, race, and class in shaping personal choices and experiences. Emphasis is on sociological theory and research.

Gender & Sexualities

SOC 344U - Anne Johnson - Fully Online

Examines the ways in which social constructions of gender both influence and are influenced by the cultural organization of and individual expressions of sexuality. The course explores the intersections among sexuality, culture, gender, and the body and examines a variety of sexualities and emphasizes the multifaceted nature of power, privilege, and oppression.

Social Statistics

SOC 396 - Lindsey Wilkinson - Fully Online

Introduction to the range of techniques for analyzing social science data. Emphasis on the conceptualization, operationalization, and measurement of socially based phenomena. Topics include: level of measurement, operationalization, summary statistics, probability, hypothesis tests, and the use of data analysis software (SPSS).

Social Research Project

SOC 398 - Melissa Thompson

Development and execution of a research project integrating some aspects of sociological theory with social science research methodology. Students work in teams to identify a research problem, design and conduct research bearing on this problem, and write a research report. 

TOP: Researching Student Success

SOC 410 - Rowanna Carpenter and Lindsey Wilkinson

The class is a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) that provides an opportunity to practice applied research skills as you investigate questions related to undergraduate student success. You will work in teams to develop original research projects that answer questions identified by our campus partner. Through hands-on experience with a research process, you will learn to develop, assess, and present the findings from research questions related to undergraduate student success. Along the way, you will reflect on your individual and team-based goals and offer critiques of the current student success literature and the research enterprise. Reach out to the instructors for more information about this year’s campus partner.

Criminology and Delinquency

SOC 418 - Melissa Thompson

Social and legal meaning of crime and delinquency explored. Historical and contemporary theories of causes of law breaking reviewed. Social and cultural factors promoting and inhibiting law breaking by juveniles and adults are examined. Attention given to strategies of prevention and control.

Sociology of Family

SOC 461 - Carolyn Zook - Fully Online

Sociological analysis of the structure and functions of the family institution and its relationship to external systems such as the economy and polity. Changing and diverse forms of family organization in urban society. Analysis of role relations in the family.

Sociology of Religion

SOC 480 - Josh Bass

Analysis of the nature of the sacred; attitudes toward the sacred in contrast to the secular. Comparison of the social organization of sect and church in their relation to the larger society. Survey of recent empirical studies of religiosity and religious practices in America. New trends in American religion.

TOP: Law & Society

SOC 510/610 - Aaron Roussell


Social Inequality

SOC 584/684

Theoretical perspectives and current research in social inequality including dimensions such as social class, race/ethnicity, gender, age, and nativity. Exploration of social inequality in selected domains, such as health services and outcomes, employment and work, educational attainment, housing, and other areas of sociological inquiry.

Advanced Quantitative Methods

SOC 695 - Dara Shifrer

Introduces a range of advanced quantitative methods commonly found in published research in sociology. Particular attention will be paid to the techniques commonly used to address the most common shortcomings of sociological data, including estimation of multivariate models with categorical dependent variables (i.e. logistic regression) and to nonparametric methods for analyzing data.