Philosophy Club?






5/9/2024Let's Talk About...Subcultures:
5/16/2024Philosophy Show and TellBring something of interest to share with the groupConner Allen
5/23/2024What the PHL?!TBDNoah Sharpsteen
5/30/2024Plocial NightPlanning and SocialityNoah Sharpsteen

Join our Discord to stay up to date and connect with our members. 

What the PHL?!

What the PHL?! is Philosophy Club’s answer to your moral dilemmas! Once a month, our club meets to discuss and evaluate real-life ethical problems, submitted by you, our fellow students. In our meeting, we will examine your issue from all angles and have a thoughtful discussion on how to move forward in an ethical manner. After our meeting, our club members will write and publish a summary of our findings, including any advice we may have for you. All questions are welcome, but keep in mind that the more context provided, the more specific our advice can be.

Students can submit any and all questions either in our dropbox located outside of the Philosophy Department (Cramer 241), or by filling out the What the PHL?! submission form (coming soon!).

Some examples of questions:
Is it wrong to shoplift if I only steal from big businesses? Is it better to tell a troll why they’re wrong and harmful, or just ignore them? Is it always wrong to date a friend’s ex?

Submit to What the PHL?! by clicking this link!

Past Events

To keep updated on club events throughout the year, contact the moderator of the Philosophy Club at

If you have any complaints about the Philosophy Club or its members, please fill out this form.