Challenge Courses at High Schools


These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Anderson. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112 with a grade of B or above.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Anderson. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

Baker High School Brochure (PDF)


These courses are taught in a sequence of three that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

Second-Year Spanish
SPAN 201H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by Oct 1**
SPAN 202H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by Feb 18**
SPAN 203H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by April 15**
Intensive review of basic materials introduced in First-Year Spanish and further development of communication skills. Recommended: SPAN 103. Completion of this sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Third-Year Spanish
SPAN 301H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by Oct 1**
SPAN 302H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by Feb 18**
SPAN 303H (4 credits) $224.40. Orellana. **Register by April 15**
Continued work on the Spanish language at intermediate-advanced level. Prepares student for upper division classes. Intensive grammar review. Span 301 emphasizes listening comprehension and speaking. Recommended: Span 203. Span 302 emphasizes reading and writing. Highly recommended: Span 301. Span 303 emphasizes oral and written skills in order to prepare student for literary analysis and critical writing. Highly recommended: Span 301 and Span 302. 

Centennial High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses Mapped to PSU Quarters
These courses are taught in a sequence of three that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

The Global City
HON 101 (5 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by Oct 1**
HON 102 (5 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by Feb 18**
HON 103 (5 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by April 15**
This sequence introduces ways to think critically about the urban environment and the interdependence between the city and the global world. It begins the study of representations and perceptions of the city, the city in historical context, and the processes that shape the city's geopolitical manifestations. Grant students who complete this sequence of HON 101, 102 and 103 and maintain a 3.25 GPA are automatically accepted into the PSU Honors Program and receive a $1,500 Scholarship.

World History
HST 104 (4 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by Oct 1**
HST 105 (4 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by Feb 18**
HST 106 (4 credits) $224.40. Gavitte. **Register by April 15**
Survey of world history from the earliest times to present, combining both chronological and thematic approaches. 

Courses Mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

Probability and Statistics
STAT 243Z - Elementary Statistics (4 credits) $224.40. Kurzer. **Register by Oct 1**
A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis,  sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate. This is the first course in a sequence of Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Completion of high school precalculus with a grade of C- or above.

STAT 244 - Intro to Probability & Stats II (4 credits) $224.40. Kurzer. **Register by Feb 18**
A basic course in statistical analysis including estimation, tests of significance, experimental design and analysis of variance, linear regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics, selected topics, applications, and use of statistical computer packages. A broad nontechnical survey designed primarily for non-math students who need to utilize the subject in their own fields. This is the second course in a sequence of two: Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Stat 243Z


WR 228 - Media Writing (4 credits) $224.40. Daniels. **Register by Oct 1 and Feb 18**
An introductory course in news reporting and writing. The class publishes the award-winning, monthly Grant Magazine. Focus on identifying newsworthiness, writing leads, constructing news stories, interviewing, and attributing quotes, using publishing software, and meeting deadlines. This course can be repeated in the second semester for a total of 8 credits.

Grant High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to PSU Quarters
These courses are taught in a sequence of three that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

Second-Year Spanish Heritage
SPAN 201H (4 credits) $224.40. Carreón-Serna. **Register by October 1**
SPAN 202H (4 credits) $224.40. Carreón-Serna. **Register by February 18**
SPAN 203H (4 credits) $224.40. Carreón-Serna. **Register by April 15**
Intensive review of basic materials introduced in First-Year Spanish and further development of communication skills; for heritage speakers of Spanish. Recommended: SPAN 103. Completion of this sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Third-Year Spanish 
SPAN 301 (4 credits) $224.40. Schick. **Register by October 1**
SPAN 302 (4 credits)$224.40. Schick. **Register by February 18**
SPAN 303 (4 credits) $224.40. Schick **Register by April 15**
Spanish language study to help develop advanced proficiency. Intensive grammar instruction in preparation for upper division courses in culture, linguistics and literature. Emphasis on speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing skills for analysis and research. It is preferable to take the sequence in order.

Courses mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two over the course of one year. Students register (in fall and winter OR in fall and spring) and pay twice a year.

Probability and Statistics
STAT 243Z - Elementary Statistics (4 credits) $224.40. White. **Register by Oct 1**
A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis,  sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate. This is the first course in a sequence of Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Completion of high school precalculus with a grade of C- or above.

STAT 244 - Intro to Probability and Statistics II (4 credits) $224.40. White. **Register by Feb 18**
A basic sequence in statistical analysis including presentation of data probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, tests of significance, experimental design and analysis of variance, regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics, selected topics, applications, and use of statistical computer packages. Prerequisite for STAT 243: high school precalculus. Prerequisite for STAT 244: STAT 243.

MTH 254 - Calculus IV (4 credits) $224.40. Gorman or Masuda. **Register by Oct 1**
An introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables, including vector geometry, the calculus of vector valued functions, and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 253 or (MTH 252 and MTH 261). 
MTH 255 – Calculus V (4 credits) $224.40. Gorman or Masuda. **Register by Apr 15**
Further study of multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem, the divergence theorem, and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 254.

Courses mapped to Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once for each course.

MTH 261 - Intro to Linear Algebra (4 credits) $224.40. Gorman. **Register by Oct 1** 
Systems of linear equations, linear transformations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, and determinants. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

MTH 356 – Number Theory (4 credits) $224.40. Gorman. **Register by Oct 1**
A presentation of the properties of numbers as found in the theory of divisibility, congruence, diophantine equations, continued fractions, and algebraic numbers.  Prerequisites: MTH 252 and MTH 261.

Jesuit High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses Mapped to PSU Quarters
These courses are taught in a sequence of three that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

Second-Year French
FR 201 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Oct 1**
FR 202 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Feb 18**
FR 203 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Apr 15**
Intensive review of basic materials introduced in First-Year French and further development of communication skills. Expected preparation: FR 103. Completion if the FR 201, 202, 203 sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Third-Year French
FR 301 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Oct 1**
FR 302 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Feb 18**
FR 303 (4 credits) $224.40. Johnson. **Register by Apr 15**
Development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and a review of grammar through study of appropriate texts, conversation, activities, and written assignments.  Expected preparation: FR 203.  

Courses Mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two over the course of one year. Students register and pay twice a year.

Spanish Culture and Civilization
SPAN 330 - Peninsular (4 credits) $224.40. Pupkiewicz. **Register by Oct 1**
Historical development of life, thought, and the arts in Spain. Prerequisite: Eight credits of Span 301, Span 302, or Span 303 (or equivalent). 

SPAN 331 - Latin American (4 credits) $224.40. Pupkiewicz. **Register by Feb 18**
Historical development of life, thought, and the arts in Latin America. Prerequisite: Eight credits of Span 301, Span 302, or Span 303 (or equivalent).

Courses Mapped to Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once.

Second-Year Chinese
CHN 201 (5 credits) $224.40. Han. **Register by Oct 1**
Continued work in Mandarin, with emphasis on mastering all basic grammatical structures, developing conversation skills, and building vocabulary in characters with correct pronunciation. Expected preparation: CHN 103.

Lakeridge High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses Mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two over the course of one year. Students register and pay twice a year.

Second-Year Chinese
CHN 202 (5 credits) $224.40. Han. **Register by Oct  1** 
CHN 203 (5 credits) $224.40. Han. **Register by Feb 18**
Continued work in Mandarin, with emphasis on mastering all basic grammatical structures, developing conversation skills, and building vocabulary in characters with correct pronunciation. Expected preparation: CHN 201.

Completion of the CHN 201, 202, 203 sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Lake Oswego Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to PSU Quarters
The courses listed below are taught in a sequence of three, that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

Second-Year Spanish
SPAN 201 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Oct 1**
SPAN 202 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Feb 18**
SPAN 203 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Apr 15**
Intensive review of basic materials introduced in First-Year Spanish and further development of communication skills. Recommended: SPAN 103. Completion of this sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Third-Year Spanish
SPAN 301 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Oct 1**
SPAN 302 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Feb 18**
SPAN 303 (4 credits) $224.40. Rodriguez De Lort. **Register by Apr 15**
ISpanis language study to help develop advanced proficiency. Intensive grammar instruction in preparation for upper division courses in culture and literature. Emphasis on speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing skills for analysis and research. It is preferable to take the sequence in order.

McDaniel High School Brochure


These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Desai. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112, preferably with a grade of B or above.
MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Desai. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

Milwaukie High School Brochure


Course Mapped to Academic Year
This course is taught as a year-long course. Students register and pay once.

Composition I
WR 121Z (4 credits) $224.40. King or Martin. **Register by Oct 1**
Engages students in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. The course focuses on analyzing and composing across varied rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry process.

Mountainside High School Brochure (PDF)


Course Mapped to semesters
This course is taught as a semester-long course. Students register and pay once in either the fall or winter.

Composition I
WR 121 (4 credits) $224.40. Pommer. **Register by Oct 1**
Engages students in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. The course focuses on analyzing and composing across varied rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry process.

Writing Research Papers
WR 222 (4 credits) $224.40. Pommer. **Register by Feb 18**
Introduction to academic inquiry, with focus on evaluating and engaging with secondary research and on conventions for documentation. Recommended prerequisite: W121Z.

Nelson High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to PSU Quarters
The courses listed below are taught in a sequence of three, that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

Second-Year Spanish
SPAN 201 (4 credits) $224.40. Middleton. **Register by Oct 1** 
SPAN 202 (4 credits) $224.40. Middleton. **Register by Feb 18**  
SPAN 203 (4 credits) $224.40. Middleton. **Register by April 15**  
Intensive review of basic materials introduced in First-Year Spanish and further development of communication skills. Recommended: SPAN 103. Completion of this sequence fulfills the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Degree for many institutions.

Course Mapped to semesters
This course is taught as a semester-long course. Students register and pay once in either the fall or winter.

STAT 243Z - Elementary Statistics (4 credits) $224.40. Hanes. **Register by Oct 1**
A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis,  sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate. This is the first course in a sequence of Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Completion of high school precalculus with a grade of C- or above.

STAT 244 - Intro to Probability and Statistics II (4 credits) $224.40. Hanes. **Register by Feb 18**
A basic sequence in statistical analysis including presentation of data probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, tests of significance, experimental design and analysis of variance, regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics, selected topics, applications, and use of statistical computer packages. Prerequisite for STAT 243: high school precalculus. Prerequisite for STAT 244: STAT 243.

Courses mapped to the Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Campbell. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112 with a grade of C- or above.

ENG 254 - Survey of American Lit (4 credits) $224.40. Wiggins. **Register by Oct 1`**
An introduction to American literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.

WR 222 - Writing Research Papers (4 credits) $224.40. Ellington. **Register by Oct 1**
Introduction to academic inquiry, with focus on evaluating and engaging with secondary research and on conventions for documentation.

Northwest Academy Brochure (PDF)


These courses are taught in a sequence of two aligned with high school semesters and students register and pay twice.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Cleland. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112 with a grade of C- or above.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Cleland. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

Pacific Crest Community School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to PSU Quarters
These courses are taught in a sequence of three that aligns with PSU quarters – Fall, Winter, and Spring. Students register and pay three times a year.

The Global City
HON 101 (5 credits) $224.40. Keldorf. Fall Q. **Register by Oct 1**
HON 102 (5 credits) $224.40. Keldorf. Winter Q. **Register by Feb 18** 
HON 103 (5 credits) $224.40. Keldorf. Spring Q. **Register by Apr 15**
This year-long sequence introduces ways to think critically about the urban environment and the interdependence between the city and the global world. It begins the study of representations and perceptions of the city, the city in historical context, and the processes that shape the city’s geopolitical manifestations.

Riverdale students who complete this sequence of HON 101, 102, and 103 and maintain a 3.25 GPA are automatically accepted into the PSU Honors Program and receive a $1,500 Scholarship.

Courses mapped to PSU Quarters - Single Term
These courses align with PSU quarters (Fall, Winter & Spring) and are offered once per year. Students register and pay once.

Composition I
WR 121Z (4 credits) $224.40. Emanuelson. Fall Q. **Register by Oct 1**
Engages in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. This course focuses on analyzing and composing across varies rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry process.

Geology: Dynamic Earth: Interior & Lab
G 201 & G 204 (4 credits) $220. Preacher. Fall Q. **Register by Oct 1**
Explores the Earth’s structure and composition, why continents and oceans form, and how plate tectonics provide a unifying model to explain geological observations. Topics include the concept of deep time, the relationship between geology and topography, plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, magnetism, rocks and minerals, mountain building, basin formation. Laboratory work involves basic geologic principles and processes emphasizing rocks, minerals, topographic and geologic maps.

Writing Research Papers
WR 222 (4 credits) $224.40. Keldorf. Spring Q. **Register by Apr 15**
Introduction to academic inquiry, with focus on evaluating and engaging with secondary research and on conventions for documentation.

Riverdale High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns to the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Wills. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112 with a grade of C- or above.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Wills. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

South Wasco High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to Academic Year
This course is taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once.

WR 121Z (4 credits) $224.40. Jetton. **Register by Oct 1**
Engages in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. This course focuses on analyzing and composing across varies rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry process.

Southridge High School Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to Semesters – Single Term
These courses align with the first or second high school semester. Students register and pay once per course.

Composition I

WR 121Z (4 credits) $224.40. Anderson. **Register by Oct 1**
Engages in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. This course focuses on analyzing and composing across varies rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry process.

Courses mapped to Semesters – Sequence
These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Groom. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112 with a grade of C- or above.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Groom. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

St Helens HS Brochure (PDF)


Courses mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns to the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Gardner. **Register by Oct 1**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

MTH 253 - Calculus III (4 credits) $224.40. Gardner. **Register by Feb 18**
Introduction to differential equations, infinite series, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and conic sections. Prerequisite: MTH 252.

HST 102 - Early Modern Europe & the World (4 credits) $220. Vanellii.  **Register by Oct 1**
Surveys the history of early modern Europe and its inter-regional and global connections from roughly 1400– 1800 C.E. 

HST 103 - Modern Europe & the World (4 credits) $220. Vanellii.  **Register by Oct 1**
Surveys the history of modern Europe and its inter-regional and global connections from roughly 1800 C.E. to the present. 

Courses mapped to Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once.

HST 203 - History of the United States (4 credits) $220. Housley, Nyland.  **Register by Oct 1**
General survey of United States history. 1914 to present.  

St Mary's Academy Brochure (PDF)


Courses Mapped to Semesters
These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

Probability and Statistics
STAT 243Z - Elementary Statistics (4 credits) $224.40. Berti, Tevik. **Register by Oct 1**
A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis,  sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate. This is the first course in a sequence of Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Completion of high school precalculus with a grade of C- or above.

STAT 244 - Intro to Probability and Statistics II (4 credits) $224.40. Berti, Tevik. **Register by Feb 18**
A basic sequence in statistical analysis including presentation of data probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, tests of significance, experimental design and analysis of variance, regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics, selected topics, applications, and use of statistical computer packages. Prerequisite for STAT 243: high school precalculus. Prerequisite for STAT 244: STAT 243.

Calculus I & II
MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Southall, Tevik. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112, preferably with a grade of B or above.
MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Southall, Tevik. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

Courses mapped to Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once for each course.

CS 161 - Intro to Programming & Problem-Solving (4 credits) $224.40. Galbraith. **Register by Oct 1** Introduction to fundamental concepts of computer science. Problem solving, algorithm and program design, data types, loops, control structures, subprograms, and arrays. Learn to write programs in a high level programming language. Surveys current social and ethical aspects of computer science. Recommended prerequisite: MTH 111.

CS 162 - Intro to Computer Science (4 credits) $224.40. Galbraith. **Register by Oct 1**
The goals of this class are to teach the syntax of C++ to students who already know how to program. Students are expected to be proficient at using conditionals, I/O, loops, and functions with arguments. Topics include: conditionals, I/O, files, functions, classes, pointers, dynamic memory, linear linked lists, and multi-dimensional arrays in C++, as well as program correctness, verification, and testing. PSU proficiency lab testing administered by PSU faculty. Prerequisite: CS161 or prior programming experience equivalent to CS161.

Sunset High School Brochure (PDF)


These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.

Probability and Statistics
STAT 243Z - Elementary Statistics (4 credits) $224.40. Conner. **Register by Oct 1**
A first course in statistics focusing on the interpretation and communication of statistical concepts. Introduces exploratory data analysis,  sampling methods and distributions, point and interval estimates, hypothesis tests for means and proportions and elements of probability and correlation. Technology will be used when appropriate. This is the first course in a sequence of Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Completion of high school precalculus with a grade of C- or above.

STAT 244 - Intro to Probability & Stats (4 credits) $224.40. Conner. **Register by Feb 18**
A basic course in statistical analysis including estimation, tests of significance, experimental design and analysis of variance, linear regression and correlation, nonparametric statistics, selected topics, applications, and use of statistical computer packages. A broad nontechnical survey designed primarily for non-math students who need to utilize the subject in their own fields. This is the second course in a sequence of two: Stat 243Z and Stat 244 which must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Stat 243Z

Tigard High School Brochure (PDF)


This course is taught in a sequence of two aligned to the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice.

G201 & G204* - Dynamic Earth: Interior & Lab (4 credits) $224.40. Brown. **Register by Oct 1**
Explores the Earth’s structure and composition, why continents and oceans form, and how plate tectonics provide a unifying model to explain geological observations. Topics include the concept of deep time, the relationship between geology and topography, plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, magnetism, rocks and minerals, mountain building, basin formation.
G202 & G205* - Dynamic Earth: Surface & Lab (4 credits) $224.40. Brown. **Register by Feb 18**
Explores how weather and climate alter the Earth’s surface and landscapes over time due to rock weathering, mountain building, the action of streams, glaciers, wind, and ocean waves and currents. Embedded in these topics is the discussion of human practices impacting the natural environment.
*Laboratory work involves basic geologic principles and processes emphasizing rocks, minerals, topographic and geologic maps.

Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School Brochure (PDF)


These courses are taught in a sequence of two that aligns with the high school semesters. Students register and pay twice a year.


MTH 251 - Calculus I (4 credits) $224.40. Buys. **Register by Oct 1**
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including limits, the definition and computation of the derivative, and applications of the derivative. Prerequisite: Completion of MTH 112, preferably with a grade of B or above.

MTH 252 - Calculus II (4 credits) $224.40. Buys. **Register by Feb 18**
Integral calculus of functions of a single variable, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, numerical integration and applications. Prerequisite: MTH 251.

Courses mapped to Academic Year
These courses are taught as year-long courses. Students register and pay once.

MTH 253 - Calculus III (4 credits) $224.40. Grassman. **Register by October 1**
Introduction to differential equations, infinite series, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and conic sections. Prerequisite: MTH 252.

Westview High School Brochure (PDF)


This course is taught as year-long course. Students register and pay once.

RUSSIAN 341 (4 credits) $224.40. Zebnitski. **Register by October 1**
Study of selected short stories of the 19th century. For non-native speakers only. Expected preparation: RUS 203.

Woodburn High School Brochure (PDF)