24/7 Emergency Number


This number will route to an Education Abroad staff member. 

Important Documents: 

6-8 weeks prior to departure

  1. Review the PSU Education Abroad Emergency Management Handbook before departure and have an electronic or hard copy accessible at all times while abroad. 
  2. Review the Crisis Management Plan from your in-country partner and use this to create a program-specific plan that is uploaded to VikingsAbroad
  3. Hold Pre-Departure sessions with your students and Education Abroad. During these mandatory sessions, Program Leaders are expected to share this plan with students & ensure students have a copy of completed Emergency Contact cards while abroad. Some program leaders fill out the Emergency Cards and have them laminated for their students.

2-4 weeks prior to departure

  1. Review the State Department Website.
  2. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
  3. Establish a means of communicating with your group while abroad.

Upon arrival

  1. Notify the Education Abroad office you and your students have arrived safely.
  2. Notify the Faculty-Led Coordinator of any major incidents
  3. If you are traveling as a group: monitor students' progress through customs & immigration.
  4. Obtain or activate your international phone, share this number with your students, Ed Abroad Team, and provider
  5. Be aware of student travel on non-programmed days. Set an expectation that students are not traveling alone & that they notify you of plans

Safety Tips

  • Require students to travel in groups of two or more
  • Require students to arrange to have a working phone
  • Institute a Program Curfew
  • Avoid high risk activities
  • Stay informed about events in your host country/region
  • Sign up for New York Times news alerts
  • Avoid any and all street demonstrations, even if they appear peaceful

The Clery Act & Title IX Reporting

Both the Clery Act and Title IX apply to PSU programs operating off-campus. Program Leaders are considered “responsible employees” & “campus security authority” and must report a violation of either The Clery Act & Title IX. Anything that occurs involving PSU students or staff is treated as an extension of the PSU campus & should be reported via the appropriate channels. Questions? Read more about Title IX at PSU here.