Trademark Licensing

PSU granite sign in the Park Blocks

Portland State authorizes the use of the University’s name and logos on merchandise through a licensing and trademark program administered by CLC (Collegiate Licensing Company).  CLC maintains the art sheets with the trademarked logos and designs for PSU. 


Vendors interested in producing merchandise with the University’s trademark must become a licensed vendor through CLC.

Types of CLC Licenses

CLC offers the following licenses to companies interested in producing licensed merchandise. All license applications are subject to the approval of individual institutions.

Standard License

A Standard License is available to companies that wish to manufacture collegiate products (for resale) for six or more institutions. This license is typically reserved for larger manufacturers with well-established production, distribution, and marketing capabilities. 

Internal Campus Supplier

The Internal Campus Supplier license allows a company to produce merchandise bearing the trademarks of collegiate institutions for internal consumption only.  Sales must be categorized as royalty-exempt by the individual institution. Sales to university bookstores, alumni associations, student groups, or other university entities not on the approved distribution list are not permitted. Internal campus suppliers cannot sell to any entity if the product will be resold and/or used for promotional purposes (gift-with-purchase) or fundraising.

1338tryon - Heather Comerford - 503-975-5911 -

American Solutions for Business - Brent Daniels - 503-746-9410 x328 -

Hyder Graphics - Alissa - 503-644-8191 -

Marco Ideas Unlimited - Tom Gudekunst - 503-620-0770 x224 -

My T Print - Todd Cooper - 503-548-7216 -

T Line Design - Rick Lieberson - 503-266-2103 -

Pinemeadow Golf Products, Inc. - Guy Mount - 503-236-0531 -


Retailers are granted the right to sell PSU trademarked merchandise that is purchased through a CLC vendor with a Standard or Local license.

Retailers in the Portland Metro area are:

For more information contact Tracy Weber / 503-725-8555