Workshops and Events

Students on field trip in Eastern Oregon

Field Trips

Field trips offer an opportunity to explore the Portland region with a community of students who have a variety of academic interests and life experiences. We choose field trip destinations that demonstrate environmental, social, and economic sustainability in action. 

Indigenous Nations Studies Faculty leads traditional planting in the Oak Savanna green space on campus.

Social Sustainability Month (April)

With partnerships from across campus, this annual event series explores the connections between social and environmental issues by celebrating equity, diversity, and cultural tradition. 

Student at a workshop

Resume Workshops

Throughout the year we offer opportunities to join Mary Vance, resume expert, and refine your portfolio. 

Campus walkway

Sustainability @ PSU events

Looking for more sustainability at PSU events? Explore opportunities to get involved with our campus partners: the Campus Sustainability Office and the Institute for Sustainable Solutions. Learn more about our partnerships on the SSC About Us page.