The Undergraduate Civic Leadership Minor (34 cr) provides students with theoretical and practical understanding about civic leadership, and prepares students to be responsibly engaged citizens and community leaders. This is a great opportunity for students interested in exploring careers in the public sector, nonprofit sphere, political arena, community development, and much more.


Civic Leadership: What does it look like?

A hands on approach to civic engagement. 

Civic Leadership Minor: Why you, why now?

The interdisciplinary Civic Leadership Minor provides students with theoretical understanding and practical experience associated with civic leadership and prepares students to be responsibly engaged, social justice oriented citizens and community leaders.

Civic Leadership Skill Set

  • Build Consensus for Public Action
  • Group and Meeting Facilitation
  • Social Organizing
  • Collaborate Effectively in Diverse Contexts
  • Support Democratic Decision-Making
  • Communication
  • Community-Engaged Research
  • Project Management and Evaluation

In my life, civic leadership is taking responsibility for the things I care deeply about. It is showing unlimited liability for a specific group of people. It is service that speaks to my soul. -Luke Scarpino, Civic Leadership Minor Alumnus

Students who minor in civic leadership must complete core and elective courses for a total of 34 credits (at least 20 of which must be taken in residence at PSU). Some of these courses have prerequisites, and students should read course descriptions in the current PSU Bulletin before registration. A 6-credit community-based civic leadership practicum is required as part of the minor. The practicum requirement may be fulfilled by the successful completion of a PSU Senior Capstone course -or- by an independently developed and pre-approved community-based learning experience.

All courses submitted to satisfy the requirements for a minor, whether taken at PSU or elsewhere, must be passed with a grade of "C" (2.00 GPA) or above. Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) will not be accepted toward fulfilling department requirements.

Students are encouraged to take courses for the minor that complement their academic and community change interests and scholarly goals. Students considering a minor in civic leadership are strongly encouraged to consult with the Civic Leadership Minor Faculty Advisor, Peter Chaillé, to create an instructional program that meets their needs.

Civic leadership minor students will learn how to positively affect the common good. Students will substantively explore:

  1. Leadership theory, context and practice: Describe, analyze and apply leadership theories and concepts to historical, current, societal and personal contexts. Apply the theories of leadership to multiple social issues in varied community and cultural contexts through community engaged learning and projects.
  2. Social change mechanisms: Explain governance, social, and political mechanisms for facilitating social change.
  3. Personal and collective ethics, responsibility and agency: Demonstrate an understanding of individual and collective ethics and responsibility to multiple communities, cultures and political constituencies. Think critically and self-reflectively about personal roles in social and political structures.
  4. Key civic leadership skills: Practice key civic leadership skills, such as democratic decision-making, collaborating effectively in diverse contexts, communication, community-engaged research, building consensus, facilitation, social organizing, project management, etc.
  5. Effective public action: Conceptualize, develop, implement and evaluate opportunities for effective public action.
  6. Core civic leadership concepts: Synthesize and integrate concepts, relevant theories and frameworks of leadership, collaboration, community engagement, culture, social capital and social justice in contemporary civil society.

Civic Leadership Minor: Students in Action

Civic leadership minor students administer door-to-door surveys to collect resident feedback for the creative development of alternative uses of unpaved roads (e.g.,community gardens, book exchanges, etc) in NE and SE Portland. 

Civic Leadership Minor Degree Requirements

The interdisciplinary Civic Leadership minor provides students with theoretical understanding and practical experience associated with civic leadership and prepares students to be responsibly engaged, social justice oriented citizens and community leaders. Students who minor in civic leadership must complete core and elective courses for a total of 34 credits (at least 20 of which must be taken in residence at PSU). Some of these courses have prerequisites, and students should read course descriptions in the current PSU Bulletin before registration. A 6-credit community-based civic leadership practicum is required as part of the minor. The practicum requirement may be fulfilled by the successful completion of a PSU Senior Capstone course -or- by an independently developed and pre-approved community-based learning experience.

All courses submitted to satisfy the requirements for a minor, whether taken at PSU or elsewhere, must be passed with a grade of "C" (2.00 GPA) or above. Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) will not be accepted toward fulfilling department requirements.

Students are encouraged to take courses for the minor that complement their academic and community change interests and scholarly goals. Students considering a minor in civic leadership are strongly encouraged to consult with the Civic Leadership Minor Faculty Advisor or the Hatfield School undergraduate advisor to create an instructional program that meets their needs.

Faculty Advisor:
Peter Chaillé, Ph.D., NTT Faculty and Undergraduate Curriculum Lead

Course of Study

Required courses (8 credits total)

  • PA 311U - Introduction to Civic Engagement (4)
  • PA 312U - Foundations of Community Leadership (4)

Civic Leadership electives (8 credits needed, choose two from below)

  • PA 313U - Fundamentals of Public Service
  • PA 412 - Civic Engagement: The Role of Governing Institutions
  • PA 413 - Civic Engagement: The Role of Individuals
  • PA 414 - Civic Engagement: The Role of Social Institutions
  • PA 417U - Ethical Leadership

Other electives (8 credits required; choose two from below)

  • CCJ 350U - Ethical Leadership in Criminal Justice
  • COMM 313U - Communication in Groups
  • ELP 318U - Educational Leadership in Public Schools
  • ELP 350U - Introduction to Leadership for Sustainability
  • PA 314U - SPST: Students as Leaders
  • PA 315U - Managing People for Change
  • PA 316 - Leadership in New Student Programs
  • PA 320U - Introduction to Nonprofit Management
  • PA 425 - Grantwriting for Nonprofit Organizations
  • PS 312 - Legislative Process
  • PS 318U - Media, Opinion and Voting
  • PS 325U - Politics and the Legal Enforcement of Morals
  • PS 417 - Interest Groups
  • PS 431 - State and Local Politics
  • USP 350U - Inclusive Engagement

Community-based practicum (6 credits total)

The practicum requirement may be fulfilled by the successful completion of a PSU Senior Capstone course -or- by an independently developed and pre-approved community-based learning experience.