Ice Storm Impacts: Care + Resources

Ice Storm Impacts: Care + Resources

Dear PSU Community,

We’re continuing to thaw out after last week’s prolonged ice storm and I want to express my care and concern for every one of you as we navigate a return to campus and pick up where we left off so early in winter term. Members of our community have suffered setbacks and losses that are just heartbreaking. 

As you know, I’m a new Portlander. I’ve never experienced a snow and ice storm quite like what we saw last week and even lifelong Oregonians were caught off guard. The decision to close campus day after day was disheartening but necessary to ensure the safety of our students, staff and faculty. 

Even now that the campus has re-opened, the impacts of the storm linger, be that damage to our homes or lost time in the classroom. I want to reassure you that we will be reaching out to staff, faculty and students to see what supports are needed and what solutions we can provide to ensure a successful term. 

The impacts of the storm will continue to be felt for weeks and I encourage you to take care of one another and your own mental health. Resources are available for students through the Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) and for employees through the Employee Assistance Program.

Due to campus closure, we delayed the launch of the Building Community Task Force to the end of the month. I am sharing some thoughts about how we are using this time to reframe that effort on my blog and I encourage you to read more about this important work there

Finally, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of the facilities staff who worked hard to address storm-related damage and clear the sidewalks of snow and ice. Thank you to our Campus Public Safety Officers who stayed on duty to respond to emergencies and protect the campus. Thank you to the members of the Incident Management Team who met at all hours to monitor forecasts and make difficult campus closure decisions. And thanks to all of you who showed the PSU Viking spirit by rolling with the changes and looking out for friends and neighbors who were impacted by the storm. 

I am proud to be a part of the PSU community and look forward to seeing you on campus as we return to our typical, rainy winter term weather!


Ann Cudd
PSU President