Campus Engagement Virtual Participation

PSU streetlight banners in the Park Blocks

Campus Engagement Virtual Participation

This month, PSU’s Strategic Planning team held three in-person engagement events. Participants learned what strategic planning means for PSU, and then gathered in small groups with fellow students, staff, faculty, and community members to discuss what makes PSU special and how we can better live up to the values we hold as a community.

For community members unable to participate in these events, we want to hear from you! The activity below will allow you to watch the same welcome and presentations given at in-person events, then provide opportunities for you to digitally provide your insights on 1) the value PSU provides students and 2) helping define the heart of PSU.

This virtual engagement opportunity will close on Friday, February 23, 2024.

As we navigate these discussions and begin to envision the future of our university, your feedback is not just encouraged; it is essential. The experiences, opinions, and aspirations you make space for sharing serve as building blocks for the strategic planning process.

Let’s get to it!


To participate in this activity, please select the group you identify with and click on the link below to be taken to a digital “worksheet” for members of this group. You will use this to provide feedback on the questions posed in the video presentations below.

I am a Student

I am a Staff/Faculty Member

I am a Community Member



President Ann Cudd provides a welcome and introduction to this virtual campus engagement below.



Sheila Martin, Vice President of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff to the president, shares an overview of PSU's Strategic Planning process.




In this activity, you will be asked to center the student experience as you answer questions related to the value PSU provides.  In the following video, Sheila Martin introduces segments of PSU's student population and the goal of this section.

Please watch this video and then answer this section's questions in your digital worksheet.




In this activity, you will help make meaning out of values identified by PSU's Strategic Planning work group focused on affirming PSU's Vision, Mission, and Values. In the following video, Tia Freelove Kirk, Strategic Planning Project Director, shares results from "The Heart of PSU" survey and the themes that emerged.

Please watch this video and then answer this section's questions in your digital worksheet.




The insights you provided today will be compiled alongside notes recorded from in-person sessions and shared with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.  Thank you for making the time to participate and please look out for future opportunities to engage in this important process.