The top of my to-do list as your president

President Ann Cudd walking and talking in the Park Blocks next to a student.

In the interest of transparency and bringing you along on my journey as PSU’s new president, I wanted to share the goals that I am setting with the PSU Board of Trustees for my first year as your president.

The list is brief but also meaningful and it represents a significant amount of work to be done — some of it already underway and some that will involve participation from the campus community. At the end of the day, though, these goals will be used by the Board to judge my performance on the job.

Here they are:

1. Build a collaborative executive leadership team

PSU has amazing and dedicated leaders and we’ve also experienced some turnover in our executive and academic leadership roles over the last year.

I’m committed to recruiting and hiring full-time deans for all PSU schools and colleges. Two searches are already underway: the Dean of the Library and the Dean of the School of Business. In addition to these two searches, we are preparing for searches for the deans of the College of Education, the College of Urban and Public Affairs, and the School of Social Work. Each of these roles is pivotal to advancing our institution's educational mission and enhancing our impact within the community.

In addition, it is very important to me to have an executive leadership team that works together collaboratively and pulls in the same direction. Our decision making can’t be siloed; the only way we can be successful as a leadership team is by working together to fulfill our purpose.

2. Complete a strategic plan

A great university deserves a great strategic plan and Portland State has gone without a formal plan since 2020. I am very much looking forward to engaging with the campus community to reaffirm our mission, vision and values and then embark on a process to identify how PSU can best serve the students of the future, differentiate our offerings from those of other universities, and establish strategic imperatives and goals that will guide our decision making for the rest of the decade.

There will be a variety of ways for folks to get involved in the process — particularly during winter term when we will host a symposium dedicated to strategic planning.

By the end of the academic year, my goal is to have a dynamic strategic plan that will serve as a clear guide for the next 6 years (i.e., until 2030).

3. Develop a plan for financial sustainability

Our strategic plan will guide our financial decisions, but the push toward financial health can’t wait. In addition to near-term and long-term strategic planning, we will need to immediately start to address our budget deficit. Our plan for financial sustainability will be developed in tandem with the strategic plan, with input from across the university, and with clear communication throughout the process. We’ll be tying budget forums and financial planning to the strategic planning efforts.

4. Increase the vibrancy of our campus

I’m eager to restore Portland State to its pre-pandemic level of activity with an eye toward better supporting our students but also injecting more energy into our entire campus community.

This isn't just about being on campus. It’s about building community. We need community to support our students' success, and we also need it to support faculty and staff — many of whom are brand new to PSU. There are many ways to build community, but there are few substitutes for face-to-face interaction and shared experiences.

5. Serve as a visible and effective advocate for PSU in the wider Portland community

Portland State is Oregon’s only urban research university and we are intimately tied to the city of Portland — a relationship that endures through good times and through challenging stretches.

I have said many times that I am eager for Portland State to help usher in Portland's renaissance. For that to happen, it’s important that PSU is visible in the community and at the table when important conversations about the region’s future are taking place.  

I’m committed to being a visible and active ambassador for the university. Whether that involves meeting with members of city government — individually or collectively, talking to major employers or other business leaders, and participating in media interviews and other public events. I was thrilled to be tapped by Gov. Tina Kotek to serve on her Central City Task Force.

Throughout these visits, events and conversations, I will be advocating for PSU and for our students in addition to seeking opportunities that will enrich the student experience and shape our programs in the future.