
Michelle Lee

Coordinator for Asian & Pacific Islander Student Services


In her role as a Multicultural Advisor and a Coordinator of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi Student Services, Michelle (she/her) hopes to empower and lift minoritized student voices at Portland State University.

Born and raised in Oregon, as the eldest daughter of a Korean immigrant family, Michelle (she/her) is the firstborn child, a first-generation US citizen, and a first-generation college student.

She attended Oregon State University for her undergraduate studies in Human Development and Family Studies and Seattle University for graduate studies in Student Development Administration. Though she had originally planned to become a grade school teacher, Michelle soon felt a strong purpose and passion for student affairs and higher education through her leadership experiences, supportive mentors, and her high level of involvement on campus with cultural student organizations.

Throughout her educational experiences, Michelle’s identities as a queer, first-generation student of color from a low-income household have shaped her interests in promoting intersectional justice, access, and equity in higher education for historically minoritized students.

Michelle is committed to mentoring and empowering BIPOC students to be authentic, courageous, and confident leaders for their communities on and off-campus.

In her free time, Michelle enjoys cooking, reading, spending time with her family and friends, and making handmade cards.

Fun Facts about Michelle: She has two dogs; she loves boba; and her nostrils are uneven. 
