Connecting Canopies/Canopy Action Planning

The Connecting Canopies/Canopy Action Planning project is a shared project between PSU and The Nature Conservancy in Oregon.

The vision of this project is to provide a decision support framework to guide investments and implementation of urban tree planting, tree maintenance, and tree preservation actions across the Portland, OR metropolitan region for equitable human health.

The spatially explicit prioritization framework will integrate evaluation of urban tree canopy status/condition with data on the built environment, human health, demographic / socio-economic and community values and desires. The resulting maps / interactive decision support tools will be collaboratively developed with and used by key community-based organizations, municipal agencies, and other NGOs through Connecting Canopies in order to provide a comprehensive and cohesive regional vision for trees and equitable human health outcomes. 

For more information on Smart Trees, please contact Molly Baer Kramer.

Canopy Action Planning Team Members:
Ryan Haugo
Fernanda Ribeiro
Vivek Shandas
See all Smart Trees Collaboratory members here.

Person walking on trail surrounded by large trees on either side

PSU-The Nature Conservancy partnership taps trees to address regional climate change

For the past two and a half years, Rose Graves has had one foot at Portland State and one foot at The Nature Conservancy's Oregon chapter.  As a postdoctoral researcher on natural climate solutions, she led an analysis of the potential of Oregon's natural and working lands to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help limit the impacts of climate...
Read more about PSU-The Nature Conservancy partnership taps trees to address regional climate change