Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for February 21, 2022

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  1. Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman, world languages and literatures, have published a textbook titled “Beginning Spanish ¡Empecemos por aquí!.”
  2. Tom Hastings, conflict resolution faculty, published a chapter in a peer-reviewed edited compilation, “Explaining and Resisting Trumpism Post-2020: Goodbye Donald,” published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 
  3. Nick Light, business faculty, published “In These Uncertain Times: Fake News Amplifies the Desires to Save and Spend in Response to COVID-19” in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.
  4. Max Nielsen-Pincus, chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Management; Cody Evers, environmental science and management faculty; and Matt Bauer ’21 wrote “Engagement in Local and Collaborative Wildfire Risk Mitigation Planning Across the Western U.S. — Evaluating Participation and Representation in Community Wildfire Protection Plans” in PLOS ONE.
  5. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, wrote a poem, “CORNERSTONES//Shoulder,” featured in the Vanport Building Art Collection. 
  6. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, wrote a poem, “Something Something Something by Race, 2021,” published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
  7. Martin Streck, geology faculty, and Matthew Cruz, graduate student, published an article in the Geological Society of American Bulletin titled “The Castle Rock and Ironside Mountain Calderas, Eastern Oregon, USA: Adjacent Venting Sites of Two Dinner Creek Tuff Units—The Most Widespread Tuffs Associated with Columbia River Flood Basalt Volcanism.”