This is a continuously updated repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for postdoctoral investigators. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, please refer to the sponsor’s funding announcement for complete details on each opportunity. If you would like to add an opportunity to the list or have any questions, please contact

If you are interested in submitting a proposal for external funding, please complete and submit the Notification of Intent to Submit form at least three weeks ahead of the solicitation deadline to notify PSU's Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) staff of your intention to develop a proposal. SPA staff provide support and guidance to faculty and staff during the proposal development process and are the only employees authorized to submit proposals on behalf of PSU. Please send the notification as soon as an opportunity is identified, whether or not it is in response to a formal solicitation so that SPA can assign staff to support you. Please note: SPA must be notified at least three weeks prior to the submission deadline.

For a comprehensive list of Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunities visit GrantForward. PSU faculty, students, and staff can create a free account to explore funding opportunities.

Opportunity Deadline
Humbolt Foundation Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers N/A
NSF Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF) N/A